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我也有感情。I have feelings.

她有感情吗?Hath she affections?

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他伤害了我的感情。He hurt my feelings.

感情这个方面呢What about emotions?

你伤了我的感情。You hurt my feeling.

你的感情生活吗?About your love life?

她伤害了我的感情。She hurt my feelings.

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最强烈的感情往往是最深藏不露的。remain most unspoken.

感情是一种很累的事。Love is a tiring thing.

可是在感情方面呢?But in terms of feelings?

人总是有感情的。Peopele do have feelings.

她抑制住自己的感情。She tutored her passions.

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你伤了班恩的感情。You hurt Ben, s feelings.

我觉得自己的感情都枯竭了。I feel drained of emotion.

我是个感情脆弱的失败者。I'm a sentimental failure.

詹姆斯控制不住感情哭了。James broke down and wept.

感情是一件很累的事。Feeling tired is one thing.

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她的感情易受伤害。Her feelings bruise easily.

你伤害到我的感情了。You're hurting my feelings.

他无视她的感情。He trampled on her feelings.