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炎热的长夏晒枯了青草。It was a torrid summer day.

我躺在茂盛的青草上。Couch'd in the leeming grass.

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刚收割的青草的味道。The smell of fresh cut grass.

青草增添景色之美。Grass beautifies the landscape.

清晨青草叶上的露珠。Dew on the grass in the morning.

垂柳,柳兰,青草。And willows, willow-herb, and grass.

青草经过漫长的冬季后能重新生长。Grass regrows after the long winter.

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赤日炎炎,把青草晒得干枯。The broiling sun scorched the grass.

久旱使青草枯萎。The long drought scorched the grass.

玫瑰花红,青草青青。The rose is red, the grass is green.

牛群靠吃牧场的青草长得肥肥的。The cattle fattened on the meadow grass.

那阶地上覆盖着青草。The terraces are are covered with grass.

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每株青草都立在地上寻求拥抱。Thee grass seeks her crowd in the earth.

炎热的长夏晒枯了青草。The long , hot summer scorched the grass.

向青草更青处漫溯。To where the green grass is more verdant.

燕麦青草拢盖田土。The green green oat grass cover the ground.

青草不知道是什么味。-我真难过。I wonder what grass tastes like. I feel awful.

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那曾是个可爱的花园,长满了嫩绿的青草。It was a lovely garden, with soft green grass.

又重盖满了青草和苔藓And veiled the scar with grass and moss once more

沙拉卓大草原的青草何其绿!How green the grass on the steppes of Shahrazour!