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这是他们的口号。That was their slogan.

天合联盟的口号?What is SkyTeam slogan ?

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握奇的口号是什么?What's the slogan of Watchdata?

奥巴马的胜选口号。Obama's winning campaign slogan.

示威者高呼口号。The demonstrators shouted slogans.

亚奥理事会的口号是什么?What is the OCA motto?Ever onward.

勤勉奋进口号到处都是。Exhortatory slogans are everywhere.

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透明是这个过程中的口号。Transparency is the watchword here.

多才多艺是这个时代的口号。Versatility is the watchword today.

“下不为例”成了口号。"Never again" became the watchword.

如果这听起来像是口号,它的确是。If this sounds like a slogan, it is.

口号被刻在一个火炬塔上。The motto is engraved on a cauldron.

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又是朋友间的口号。And is the countersign of friendship.

虚的口号或标语不要常挂嘴上。Don't talk of empty words or slogans.

用这个页面来改变端口号。Use this panel to change port numbers.

我应该为自己的开始喊一些口号吗?Do I start with some slogan for myself?

我们的口号是“爱拼才会赢”!Our slogans are "to struggle then win"!

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但是“改变”已经成为时下的主流口号。But "change" is the mantra of the moment.

那里现在已是晚上,许多人高呼口号,挥舞着埃及国旗。Many chanted and waved the Egyptian flag.

广州的申亚口号是什么?What's the slogan of Guangzhou Asian Games?