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所以这里是一个空白表格。So here's a blank.

填写表格N-400。Fill out Form N-400.

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请用黑笔填写申请表格。Please use black ink.

填写送洗表格。Fill out the laundry form.

请填写这份表格。Please fill out this form.

填好背面的表格。Complete the form overleaf.

关于'点击在表格的命令'。Click on 'In-Form Commands'.

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我是来否填这张表格?Should I fill out this form?

他用钢笔填表格。He filled in the form in ink.

听一听,并在表格里打勾。Listen and tick in the table.

填表格写在"What"下面。Fill in the chart under"What".

舍此,不过是糟糕的表格而已。Anything less is just bad form.

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请给我一张巡税表格好吗?May I have the tax refund form?

请先把表格填好。Please fill out the form first.

你有中文入境卡表格吗?Do you have I94 form in Chinese?

将剪贴簿的资料贴上成新表格。Pastes clipboard data to a table.

那就请您把这份表格填一下,好吗?。Just fill out this form, will you?

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这是我的护照和入境表格。Here are my passport and I-94 form.

请问,我能领一张发电报表格吗?May I have a telegraph form, please?

其分布情形制成如下表格。The distribution is as tabled below.