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箭杆插在它的前胸上,一记干净利落的击杀。A clean kill.

王先生办事干净利落。Mr. Wang is very efficient.

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约翰是一个干净利落、相貌伟岸的人。John is a clear-cut, great-looking guy.

干净利落的把戏,如果你能得以逃脱的话!Neat trick if you can get away with it!

拳击手干净利落地挡开了危险的一击。The fighter neatly fended off a dangerous blow.

里面内里很柔滑,很有女人味,干净利落!Neri very smooth, very inside have feminine taste, neat!

这一枪干净利落而且致命,打在了鹿的前腿后面。The shot is clean, and fatal, just behind the front leg.

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天行者的剑刃干净利落地斩断了梅斯·温杜的手臂。Skywalker's blade neatly cleaved through Mace Windu's arm.

嘴唇发达但不下垂,末端干净利落。Lips well developed but not pendulous giving a clean finish.

渐渐地,你就会意识到去寻找一种干净利落的方法来开发。You slowly realize there has to be a cleaner way of doing this.

我看到小手枪,而且我真希望,干净利落,豪无痛苦。I see pictures of small pistols, and I hope, quick and painless.

学生干净利落地归答了老师白勺问题。The student gave a clear, crisp answer to the teacher's question.

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那姿势干净利落,水提上来以后非常满足。That clear-cut position, the water raised up after the very satisfying.

不可以邋邋遢遢,在顾客面前你一定要看上去还过得去,干净利落。Don't be sloppy, you have to look presentable and neat around customers.

他还有一副干净利落极具防护力的好口才,这也使他看起来很有威慑力。He also wore a neat mouth guard which made him look threatening and dangerous.

抽取出接口常常是使得你的代码更干净利落更易测试的举动。Extracting an interface is usually a move that makes your design cleaner and more testable.

他是一个伟大的选手,不过我想我那时专注于干净利落地捡球。He was a great player, but I think I was just concentrating on picking the ball up cleanly!

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我的方法会比你可能经历的各种死法都更加干净利落。This will provide you with a cleaner, less painful death than you would otherwise experience.

每五个受访者就有一人认为干净利落的面相会使男士看上去更时尚,而有一半的人认为胡须会使男人平添几分老相。One in five said the clean-cut look made a man more stylish, while half said a beard aged a man.

干净利落的黑白配色辅以性感的蕾丝花边,还有什么能比它更让你心动?Neat black-and-white color supplemented with sexy lace , What can you than it echocardiography What?