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德勤从未为多元印刷签署任何报告。DTT never signed a report on DYP.

人类文明的产生是多元的。Human civilization has multi-sources.

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——美国的宗教多元主义Religious Pluralism in the United States

这些主题无不与多元文化有关。These themes are all with multi-culture.

你们将会发现在多元的微积分学里。As you will find in multivariable calculus.

新旧交替的时代造就多元的思想。The turn of the age gestates various ideas.

补充一些欧米伽-3或者多元维生素片。Take an omega- 3 supplement or multivitamin.

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我想你们会称之为多元文化主义。I suppose you could call it multiculturalism.

亦是多元种族多元文化的国家。Is also a multi-racial multi-cultural country.

我来简单地对宗教多元主义下个定义。Let me just define religious pluralism very simply.

并没有用到多元微积分。And for that you didn't need multivariable calculus.

我们是来自各地的多元文化的团队。We are the multi-cultural team came from everywhere.

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宗教多元主义是世界和平的关键。Religious pluralism is the key to peace in the world.

聚类分析是多元分析的一个分支。Cluster analysis is a branch of multivariate analysis.

如果需要,可以使用多元维生素和鱼油补充剂。Use multi-vitamins & fish oil supplements if you want.

新加坡和美国同样是多元文化国家。Singapore, like the U. S. , is a multi-cultural nation.

德班,一个融合了世界多元文化的城市,是纳塔尔省最大的城市。The City of Durban, or Ethekwini, is a place of fusion.

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这里,在多元微积分里面也一样。And here, it's the same thing in multivariable calculus.

德班,一个融合了世界多元文化的城市,是纳塔尔省最大的城市。Thee City of Durban, or Ethekwini, is a place of fusion.

多元文化已经成为一种国际化趋势。The concept of multi-culture has become a global tendency.