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不要带着昨日的残片来开心今天的生活。Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday.

救援人员已在海滩上发现部分气球残片。Rescuers have reported finding balloon pieces on a beach.

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在龙卷风中,飞扬的瓦砾残片是打碎窗户的主要原因。Flying debris is the main cause of broken windows in tornadoes.

最近,在明尼苏达州的展览中,就展出了十五份残片。At a recent exhibit in St. Paul, Minn., 15 fragments were shown.

区间存储残片根据区间值分隔数据。Interval fragmentation fragments data based on an interval value.

飞扬的瓦砾残片是龙卷风中致伤或致死的主要原因。Flying debris is the main cause of injuries and deaths in tornadoes.

根据离散值的清单可以列出存储残片的片段数据。List fragmentation fragments data based on a list of discrete values.

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轮胎和其他的垃圾残片堆积在大巴哈马岛的“垃圾坑”里。Tires and other debris have piled up in Garbage Hole on Grand Bahama.

这种文献的残片,现存放于都灵市的国家图书馆。Of this literature pieces are stored in the National Library in Turin.

这种类型的存储残片能够在数据逻辑隔离中有用。This type of fragmentation can help in the logical segregation of data.

1898年学者们出土了一批含有诗人诗作残片的纸草。In 1898 scholars unearthed papyri that contained fragments of her poems.

这是由于彗星残片的不均匀分布导致了狮子座流星群的反常。That's because the trail of comet debris that creates the Leonids is uneven.

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出土的包括一些头骨和躯干骨的化石残片。One location yielded Omo I, which includes part of a skull plus skeletal bones.

厄尼在一旁张着嘴震惊的看着,脚边是散落的残片。Ernie is left gaping in shock at Bogs and all the Bogs-related wreckage at his feet.

棺中的棉布残片是中国迄今发现最早的棉纺织品实物。Pieces of cotton in HANGING COFFIN discovered the first kind of cotton textiles in China.

在烟灰缸中还残留着一小片字条,由于被上校的泪水浸湿而未能燃尽。在这块残片上有这样几个字“昨天去世”。There was a piece of note left on the ashtray for the colonel's tear, said "died yesterday".

刚才他和飞行员立足的地方现在已仅剩几块残片在呼啸的狂风中飘荡。Wind howls through wreckage where the pilot used to be. The forest rushes up to meet him and

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在青春的记忆里,即使是微小的退色的残片,都可以触碰到野孩子那懵懂的忧郁。In memory of youth, even tiny faded fragments can touch the muddled depression of wild child.

吉尔吉斯文化中一些特征可以从艺术品残片和诗歌中发现。Some of the unique characteristics of Kyrgyz culture could be found from the art pieces and poems.

王的表现主义作品中,他在画布上精心嵌入了丝绸片段和古老的文献残片。Fragments of silk commingle with old documents amid Wang's expressive oil painting on the canvases.