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其次,进行机器人外围子功能模块的研究。Second, perform research on sub-function modules.

建立了还原徐家围子断陷深层地层水化学性质的方法。The method was based to deoxidize the chemical characters.

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一部分国民党的部队驻守在淄川区西河镇三黄山的围子里。A part of Guomindang's army took up Sanhuang Castle at Xihe town, Zichuan county.

按这种思路,罗汉床围子越矮,年代就越古。According to this line of thinking, Bed Wai Han-dwarf Vietnam, the more ancient age.

这要求正面围,尤其中间一块要高,才能使围子几经落差不至于太矮。This requires positive Wai, in particular, to the middle of a high-Wai can not drop too low several times.

而清式罗汉床,往往正面呈现山家形围子,两侧也常用台阶形式,形成一定落差。Ocean's bed-and-money, often a positive home-Wai-shan, also used on both sides of the stage form of a certain gap.

研究区芳深9井区位于松辽盆地的徐家围子断陷,构造比较简单,为区域东倾单斜。The Fangshen 9 well is located in the Xiujiaweizi fault depression with the simple structure and has the areal eastern dip-single slant.

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以航磁资料为主结合钻井、地震资料预测了徐家围子三套火山岩的平面分布。According to the aeromagnetic anomalies in combination with drilling and seismic data the plan distribution of three volcanic formations is predicted.

松辽盆地徐家围子断陷晚侏罗世-早白垩世期间火山岩十分发育,火山喷发岩的盆地充填样式与其在盆地中喷发的构造位置和构造断阶样式有关。The basin filling geometric pattern of volcanic eruptive rocks depends on both of the eruptive locations in a basin and structural styles of fault terraces.

考虑汽车侧围结构的碰撞安全性,由整车侧撞有限元模型导出了侧围子结构模型。Considering crash safety of the car side structure, a sub-structure model of the car side assembly was derived based on the side impact finite element model.

清代罗汉床,五屏风式、七屏风式渐多,甚至九屏风式也有出现,这就迫使正面围子加高,高到令人难堪的局面。Ocean's bed in the Qing Dynasty, the five-screen, seven-screen increasingly, even the nine-screen also, and this positive force Wai-raised, to the high-embarrassing situation.

松辽盆地北部徐家围子地区登娄库组下部沉积时期,盆地处于断陷向坳陷转化的过渡期。During the time when the lower part of Denglouku Formation was deposited in northern Xujaweizi area, Songliao Basin was in the transition from depression basin to faulted basin.

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本文综合分析岩芯、粒度分析和测井特征等,探讨了徐家围子地区登娄库组下部沉积相类型和储层砂体的分布规律。Based on the comprehensive analyzing of the core and the logging this paper discusses the types of sedimentary facies of the lower part of Denglouku Formation in the present area.

松辽盆地中浅层沉积层勘探已接近饱和,随着油气勘探向深层进军,油气无机成因研究在勘探实践中日益重要。徐家围子深层天然气为典型的无机成因天然气。The upside sediment layer of Songliao basin had been nearly explored, alone with the exploration marches to the depth, the research of inorganic oil and gas become much more important.