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那个顽皮的男孩跨坐在屋脊上。The naughty boy was sitting astride of the house-roof.

它的正面高二十一米,到屋脊高度为二十四米。The facades are 21 metres high, rising to 24 metres at the ridge.

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青藏高原世屋脊,东北平原马平川。World roof Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Northeast Plain, MA Hirakawa.

单杆帐和屋脊型帐篷使用这种支撑方法。High bar debt and ridge type tent use this kind of to prop up a method.

屋顶的屋脊和其间距使得一层的每一个房间都有了独立的特色。The ridge and pitch of the roof give each first floor room an individual character.

望远镜斯密特屋脊棱镜表面镀上相位膜,可提高望远镜的观察效果。The phase film is a kind of special film coated the Shimite roof prism of binoculars.

文西地垒带油气富集程度高而文西顺向屋脊带油气富集程度低。Oil and gas enrichment de- gree is high in Wenxi horst and low in Wenxi consequent roofing area.

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我发现自己被卡住了,困在了雨水槽里,就像一头充了气的屋脊兽一样蹲在那里。I got snagged, found myself stuck on a facility gutter, and squatted there like an airy gargoyle.

第四个礼拜就可以造墙、装门、安窗户、盖上屋脊。During the fourth week, you can erect the walls, install doors and windows, and put up the ridgepole.

在工业x光图像安全检测中,缺陷在某种尺度下可以看作是屋脊边缘。In safety detection of industrial X-Ray image, the defect is considered as crest edge in certain scale.

不同的侧面尺寸及山墙使屋面屋脊形成对角状。The ridge runs diagonal across the roof being a consequence of the different gables and front dimensions.

瓦猫是云南民居建筑上使用广泛的屋脊兽。Wamao is one of the animal-like ridge-decorations on the traditional buildings of Yunnan Province of China.

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夜色倾泻,斜顶的屋脊化作剪影,错落在明朗黑蓝的天幕的背景里。Shades are pouring. The slanting ridge of houses becomes silhouette and strews in the bright and dark blue sky.

乞力马扎罗山素有“非洲屋脊”之称,而许多地理学家则喜欢称它为“非洲之王”。Kilimanjaro, known as "the roof of Africa", which is a geologist and many prefer to call it "the king of Africa".

屋顶和外墙使用同样的建造方法完成,塑造了尽可能整齐的屋脊线。Roof and outer wall were finished with one method of construction and were trimed a ridgeline as much as possible.

它虽生长在缺土少壤的瓦背屋脊上,而且从不需要施肥淋水却依旧枝叶繁茂。This kind of plant can grow up on the ridge of the house with poor earth. And it grows well without fertilizers and water.

高低起伏的屋脊和大小不一的屋檐,代表了建筑物的不同功能。The varying heights of the ridges and sizes of the eaves are intended to indicate the different functions of the buildings.

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“那就请你走走试试吧,”乔茜也不服气地顶嘴说,接着她又挑战道,“我看你不敢爬到巴里家厨房屋脊的梁上走走看。”"Then I dare you to do it, " said Josie defiantly. "I dare you to climb up there and walk the ridgepole of Mrs. Barry's kitchen roof. "

通过分析屋脊型边缘的成像特点,提出了一种针对屋脊型边缘的亚像素级检测算法。A novel subpixel edge detection algorithm of roof edge based on symmetry center of figure is proposed by analyzing characters of roof edge.

他们强悍、豁达的民族性格,是他们建造起“屋脊穹崇,门户整齐”的房屋的一个重要因素。They are powerful, open-minded national character, is an important factor of building the houses of the"roof dome uplift, portals and tidy".