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在你有某种感觉或者迫不得已的时候。When you felt like it, or had to.

将迫不得已而漫过岸堤。Perforce will force it overflow the bank.

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我们迫不得已参加了足球队。We were dragooned into the football team.

我们迫不得已去看了那场歌剧。We were dragooned into going to the opera.

管理是强迫的、迫不得已的,间歇前进。Management is forced, begrudgingly, to step in.

他迫不得已只好吐露出他的政治丑闻。He could not but cough up his political scandal.

在紧急关头,买家迫不得已别无选择。In an emergency, buyers under duress have no freedom.

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最后他迫不得已,只能找到舅妈,告诉她自己的课本丢了。He went to his aunt at last, and told her that he bad lost his book.

如果要进行体制改革,乔纳森可能要迫不得已和他的后援团决裂。To change the system, Mr Jonathan would have to break with his backers.

她所说的寥寥数语,全是哀叹这迫不得已的耽延。The little that she said was all in lamentation of this inevitable delay.

对于许多家庭来说,夫妻俩都去赚钱迫不得已的事情,在东京尢为如此。She not For many families, expecially in Tokyo , Two-incomes are a necessary.

谦卑对领导迫不得已,对同事实属礼貌,对下级无比美妙。To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.

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迫不得已,兰波变得比同辈更加好斗和机警。In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his peers.

季诚迫不得已,为了维护舒曼,只好亲身上阵。For schumann JiCheng, in order to maintain schumann and forced to battle personally.

有时,迫不得已,她还需要接听妈妈安排的“候选人”打来的电话。She sometimes gets "forced" to take phone calls from "candidates" arranged by her mom.

尽管如此,中国基于一些迫不得已的理由,不大可能对朝鲜太狠。Nonetheless, there are compelling reasons why China is unlikely to press North Korea hard.

当人类另一批强大星际塔防电脑版的增援部队抵达时,虫族玩家迫不得已,选择投降。When another ma ive group of reinforcements arrive, the Zerg player is forced to surrender.

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在这匹马“成功”地将自己的头卡在树里以后,人们迫不得已动用链锯才把它解救出来。A horse had to be cut free with a chainsaw after it managed to get its head stuck in a tree.

由于资金被许多业务占用,我们迫不得已要求较宽松的付款条件。We have to ask for an easier payment , for our-funds are being tied up in numerous transactions.

但中国国家主席胡锦涛迫不得已削减其行程回国处理近期在新疆发生的骚乱。But Hu Jintao, China’s president, had to cut short his visit and return to deal with unrest in Xinjiang.