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杨光,原名杨光锷,出生于70年代。诗人,艺术评论家。Yang Guang, originally Yang Guang, born in 1970's.

希望中文学校原名为坦佩中文学校。Hope Chinese School is also known as Tempe Chinese School.

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真没想到你连鲁迅先生的原名都知道。I never imagined that you even knew Lu Xun's original name.

沪江网,原名沪江英语网,于2001年上线。Originally known as, YesHJ went live in 2001.

原名为艾格妮丝.刚察.博亚邱的德蕾莎修女于1910年的今日诞生。On this date in 1910, Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.

在结束这段时间之后,原名称将不再受支持。At the end of this period, the old name will no longer be supported.

你是想将原名翻译过来,还是取一个全新的名字?Do you want to translate your name, or come up with a Chinese brand?

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比尔克林顿出生于美国阿肯色州霍普镇,原名威廉杰斐逊布莱思三世。Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III, in Hope, Arkansas.

上海御龙新型防水材料有限公司原名上海新江新型防水材料厂。Established in 1993, Shanghai Yu Long new type waterproof material Co.

艾尔于1940年4月4日生于纽约市,原名为阿尔弗雷德·詹姆斯·帕齐诺。Al was born as Alfredo James Pacino, on April 4, 1940 in New York City.

仁寿殿原名勤政殿,是皇帝坐朝听政的大殿。Renshoudian name Qinzheng Palace, the emperor sitting in the hall behind.

中华胜景数不尽,中原名川两重天。The Chinese beautiful scenery are countless, old name Sichuan twofold day.

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原名青岛,德占时期被称之为“阿克那岛”。Formerly known as Qingdao, German occupation is called "Akbar that island."

横跨天津海河的解放桥原名万国桥,落成于1927年。Built in 1927, the Tianjin Jiefang Bridge went through a renovation project.

蔚县剪纸原名窗花,属中国民间剪纸艺术中的精品。Yuxian formerly paper -cut window, a Chinese folk paper -cut of the fine arts.

巴金原名李尧棠,现代文学家、出版家、翻译家。Ba Jin, original name Li Yaotang, was a modern writer, publisher, and translator.

上海“煌杰画廊”始创于1997年,其原名“皇极画廊”。Shanghai Huangjie Gallery, originally called Huangji Gallery, was founded in 1997.

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板桥林家花园原名林本源园邸,创建于1847年,是台湾江南古式庭园风格的代表。The Garden was built in 1847 and it is the only classic garden as historical site.

本教会于一九八五年成立,原名哈城华人基督教会,多年来辗转租用几家美国教堂聚会。Our church started in 1985 and over the years we gathered in several rented spaces.

颇受争议的喜剧演员兰尼·布鲁斯与1925年10月出生,其原名为雷纳德·阿尔弗雷德·施耐德。Controversial comedian Lenny Bruce was born Leonard Alfred Schneider in October 1925.