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他自发对于性的兴趣大减。He feels lck of interest in sex.

它能自发进行吗?Does it happen of its own accord?

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人体自燃是指由人体内部自发燃烧。SHC is burning from the inside out.

哪条路径是自发的?Which way will it go spontaneously?

这个反应同样自发发生。This one also happens spontaneously.

这种现象叫做自发恢复。This is known as spontaneous recovery.

这对于任何自发过程成立。And this is for any spontaneous change.

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工具性条件作用则是有机体的自发行为。Instrumental conditioning is voluntary.

而且,跟垃圾邮件不同的是,培根邮件是用户自发订阅的。And unlike spam, bacn is self-inflicted.

自发过程的方向。Sort of direction of spontaneous change.

是否可以自发进行。Now, we have addressed this in some cases.

用简式表示自发电池。A galvanic cell is represented by a diagram.

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绝大多数纤维都有自发放电。Almost all fibers had spontaneous discharge.

这就是自发变化的条件。That's our condition for spontaneous change.

这就是自发变化的条件。This Is our condition for spontaneous change.

筛一起自发面粉和盐。Sift together the self-raising flour and salt.

这可以告诉我们变化是否是自发的。That tells us whether the change is spontaneous.

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他们在意识和行为上是自发的。They are spontaneous in their ideas and actions.

自发的变革出现在1966年到1967年间。In 1966-1967 there was spontaneous transformation.

自发的恐怖主义是永存的威胁。Self-starting terrorism is an ever-present danger.