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由于多积冰,在北极附近水域航行是危险的。Navigation dangerous on area around the North Pole due to pack ice.

而太乙冰洞地处终南胜境,洞内积冰更是终年不化。While the second ice located in Zhongnanshan Shengjing, icing is not year-round.

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当大块积冰断裂、漂浮至远海的时候,冰山就形成了。Icebergs are created when chunks of pack ice break free and float off into open sea.

飞机积冰是一种能影响飞行安全的重要天气现象。Aircraft icing is an important weather phenomenon that can af fe ct the flight safety.

在苏格兰,雪和积冰迫使爱丁堡机场在星期一夜间临时关闭。In Scotland, snow and accumulating ice forced Edinburgh Airport to close briefly Monday night.

锚泊船走锚和船舶积冰是海上船舶二个比较常见的海冰灾害。Ship dragging and ship icing are two of the common disasters of sea ice when the ships are at sea.

同时,全球变暖正使覆盖格陵兰岛84万平方英里近80%的巨大积冰快速融化。rapidly melting the mighty icecap that covers some 80 percent of Greenland’s 840, 000 square miles.

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积冰几何形状对翼型气动系数的影响是复杂的。The ice accretion geometric characteristics have complex effects on airfoil aerodynamic coefficients.

依据海底土壤和积冰负荷的情况,钢桩会被打入海底10米至20米深。The three piles are driven 10 to 20 metres into the seabed depending on soil conditions and ice loads.

分析研究了飞机积冰的物理过程和影响因子,试验对比积冰算法。An analysis and study of icing physics and conditions are made. Experiments and comparisons of different icing algorithms are performed.

文中分析了与飞机积冰有关的气象因子和天气形势,并提出了一些飞机积冰的预报方法。In the paper, the meteorological factors and weather situations related to aircraft icing are analyzed, and some forecast methods are presented.

本文对湖南山地森林积冰形成的天气条件和物理气象原因进行了分析。This paper makes an analysis on the weather condition and physical climate effects, which cause the formation of icing in Hunan mountainous forests.

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在靠近积冰边界的内层采用了非结构网格,在非结构网格外采用结构化网格以节省存储空间和计算时间。An unstructured grid was applied to the zone near the iced airfoil, whereas a structured grid was applied to save the storage and computational time.

另外,在适宜的气象条件下,海浪飞沫积冰对中小型船舶产生不容忽视的危害,甚至导致船舶倾覆。In addition, in suitable weather conditions, icing of sea spray causes hazards to the ship that can not be ignored, or even leads the ship to capsize.

雷达检测积冰内部的结构显示,冰流的位置并不固定。Radar examinations of the hidden structure below the surface of the grounded ice revealed that the ice streams were not always in their present locations.

欧洲太空总署的火星快速轨道卫星于1月15日,即该星球南半球的春天,在火星南极附近拍下了这幅积冰的照片。The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter snapped this photo of ice deposits near the Martian south pole on January 15, in the planet's southern spring.

基于微团概念,以雨滴运动的基本假设出发,对翼型积冰的拉格朗日方法进行了改进。An improved numerical method of simulating ice accretion on airfoil was developed based on parcel concept following the fundamental assumption of droplet movement.

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飞行积冰危害辨识的概念被使用来做为机翼发生严重积冰的指标亦呈现于本文。The concept for the identification of in-flight icing hazards to be used as an indicator of the occurrence of significant icing on the wing is also presented in this paper.

本文将以案例阐述特定无人飞机飞行积冰危害的影响,评估性能衰退及飞行安定性。An example for the effects of in-flight icing hazards on a specific UAV is illustrated in this paper to evaluate the performance degradation and variations in flight stability.

河流─旦有积冰,春季解冻以后,冰块有的还会在狭窄河道或是在河湾处形成堵塞,从而抬高上游水位,我们称之为凌汛,这样就很容易成灾。Once a plot river ice and spring thaw, the ice will be in some narrow river or bay plug formed, and increase the water level upstream, we call ice run, this can easily destroy.