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他对上司溜须拍马。He fawns upon his superiors.

我真受不了他那种溜须拍马的样子。I did overpower him the way he flattered.

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给领导溜须拍马也是他的专长。Licking the leaders'foots is also his strong point.

不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do.

非常鄙视那些总是给老板溜须拍马的人。Many despise those who are always trying to win the favour of their bosses.

但是,最近有关她的新闻头条却远非溜须拍马。But the latest headlines to mention her name have not been nearly as flattering.

内心强大之人深知随时溜须拍马毫无必要。Mentally strong people recognize that they don't need to please everyone all the time.

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当地的党委书记常常更偏向于中国企业——这就是为什么溜须拍马有用的另一个原因。Local party bosses tend to favour local Chinese firms—another reason why tie-ups can be helpful.

川普先生和中国做了多年生意,中国开始溜须拍马,因为川普将开始变得强硬。Mr. Trump's done business with China for years and they're kissing up because he's about to get tough.

如果你身边都是一些溜须拍马的人,在你犯错需要意见、需要批判的时候没有人会给你这些。If you're only surrounded by sycophants, you'll never get the feedback and criticism you need when you inevitably make mistakes.

有趣的是,要是他干活也能像他溜须拍马那样下功夫的话,他想得到的提升的机会就会更多。The funny thing is if he worked as hard at his job as he does at buttering up people, he'd have a better chance to get what he's after.

有趣的是,要是他干活也能像他溜须拍马那样下功夫的话,他想得到提升的机会就会更多。The funny thing is if he worked as hard at his job as he does at buttering up people, he"d have a better chance to get what he"s after.

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经过一段时间,我发现他开始主动向我征询意见,因为他知道我不会冲他夸夸其谈,大喊大叫,或是溜须拍马,而是会提出真诚而有用的建议。Over time I found that he started turning to me.He knew I wouldn't rant and rave at him, nor kiss up.Instead, I would offer candid, helpful advice.

外国的和本地的私营公司同样必须对掌管那片区域的官员溜须拍马,就像私人封建采邑制一样,而且这些公司往往还借助黑社会组织的力量。Foreign and local private firms alike must curry favor with officials who run their areas like private fiefdoms, often with the help of mafia groups.

同事中,能力卓越者、攻于心计者、溜须拍马者,强于我的更是不胜其数,自己现在已沦为一个跑龙套的。During my colleagues, there are so many superexcellent ones, trickish ones, adulatory ones, who are doing better than me, and I have fallen to a walk-on.