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世态入眼,人情入心。The world with eyes, human heart.

肥皂泡入眼会降低视力吗?Can lathery pleasant to see reduce vision?

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烟景入眼,万籁入耳,感悟入心。King eyes, all ears, insights into the heart.

缐也许是山中酸风入眼,让人突然地泪流满面。Perhaps the wind. Let acid, suddenly burst into tears.

并且所有这些都是非常不专业而且不入眼的!And, all this is very unprofessional and at-sea looking!

请勿涂于皮肤破损处,防止入眼。Please don't apply it on impaired skin and avoid entering eyes.

归来却怪丹青手,入眼平生几曾有。Dan-back was strange hand, had a few pleasant to the eye his life.

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本文以文化特性的差异比较为入眼点。This article starts from cultural differences between China and Spain.

沿路喧半隐藏着的泳棚,现在已是频频入眼了。Bathing-sheds half-hidden alongside the road were now a familiar sight.

若不慎喷入眼中,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。If accidentally sprayed into eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water.

放在儿童不宜接触到的地方,如不慎入眼,请即用大量清水冲洗。Keep out of reach of children. If contacted with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

避免入眼,若不慎入眼,请用清水冲洗,本产品只可外用。Avoid eyes. If it goes into eyes, please rinse with water. It's only for external use.

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靠近,坐在山路边,四野菊花抢入眼,芳香无限。Near, sit at the mountain road, chrysanthemum rob fields of contact with eyes, aromatic infinite.

要思您的双眼顾止去更小,要把温战的明明色系揩揩正上海天气预报三天在眼睑处,缔制入眼部的平面感。To make your eyes bigger, always put a soft bright shade on the eye lid to create the illusion of space.

所有看得入眼的,或者漂亮的地方,她都是一进去就被冷言冷语送了出来。From all the more pleasing or imposing places she was turned away abruptly with the most chilling formality.

沿着乐山红色的古城墙而行,半壁如画江山入眼来。Stroilling along the red ancient city walls of Leshan, the picturesque city and countryside views came to your eyes.

C-Note对他老婆撒谎,告诉她,他一直在“开卡车,期望混过服役的日子,尽量不让沙子入眼。”C-Note lies to his wife, telling her that he’s been “driving trucks, eating dates, trying to keep the sand out of my eyes.”

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王朔、冯小刚,还有大批的影星们,学历都不如我,搞出的东西我也看不入眼。Hosts of celebrities, like Wang Shuo and Feng Xiaogang, are not as high in academic degree as I, nor do I appreciate their works.

瞳孔,那个控制光亮入眼的小黑洞,不仅能帮助我们看见世界,还同样能反映出心理活动。Our pupils, the black holes which let light into the eyes, don't just help us see, they also signal what's going on in our minds.

即便地处最热闹的地方,心也是空的,入眼皆是寂寞而惶惑的眼。My heat will be empty even when I am in the busiest places. The whole lonely and doubtable eyes will finally fall into my own eye.