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许多老房子都添设了现代设备而变成很入时的了。Many old houses have been updated with modern facilities.

我们厂子又添设了两条最先进的生产线。We have added two more of the latest assembly lines in our factory.

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银行业中诸如美国银行正添设更多绿色融资计划。Banks such as Bank of America are adding more green financing packages.

房间里只差添设一些家具,这项工作打算在漫长的冬季进行。The rooms had now only to be furnished, and this would be work for the long winter days.

由于在上面提到的两个原初本质性秩序之外,没有必要再添设其他,因此我们只设定这两个。Since there is no apparent need, then, for assuming any primary essential orders beyond the two already mentioned, they alone are to be assumed.

仅仅只要在自家花园、草坪上添设一个鸟屋或者自动喂食器就能迎来不少鸟类访客,其中很多可能你并不认识。Simply adding Bird houses or bird feeders to your garden or lawn will introduce you to a variety of birds, many of which you may never have noticed.

那麽,为什麽还有法律呢?它是为显露过犯而添设的,等他所恩许的后裔来到,它原是藉著天使,经过中人的手而立定的。Why then was the law? It was set because of transgressions, until the seed should come, to whom he made the promise, being ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.

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同时添设70余处导示牌指引游客走新线路游览故宫,并比以往黄金周多增加了80多人的疏导力量维持秩序。Tim Office located at I-70 show signs of new lines tour guide tourists to the Palace, and more than ever before Golden Week increased by 80 people divert forces to maintain order.

公司成立以来与众多同行厂家形成结合式服务,共同为光伏事业添设蓝图。Since the company had been established forms the convolution service with the multitudinous colleague factory, Bends down for the light the enterprise to expand the blueprint together.

食谱全部由名厨精心安排,除应有之早餐、餐及精心配制之各款套餐外,更添设琳琳总总的各式马来美食。All courses are specially designed by our great chiefs. Besides providing you with regular breakfast, lunch, and set meals, you can also select from a variety of popular Malaysian food.

现阶段已添设了数控加工设备,质量品质也有的大幅度提升,欢迎各界朋友莅临无锡市我厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。This stage has been added to set the CNC machining equipment, and some greatly enhance the quality of quality, welcome friends to visit Wuxi City factory visit, guidance and business negotiation.