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他运用短句和粗话。He used short sentences and rough words.

我们可把这一命题表达为一个短句。We can express this statement as an epigram.

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短句那崂山将是你理想的地方。Laoshan would be the ideal place for you, then.

越不常见的短句越好!The more unusual the phrase you choose, the better!

我最喜欢的一个短句是“亚伯拉罕.林肯是一个伟大的演说家”。My favorite phrase was Abraham Lincoln was a great orator.

文章开首用短句,不要跨越8个字。Start the article with a short sentence, not more than 8 words.

令人吃惊的是,这个短句是李斯德林漱口水的广告语!This phrase, surprisingly, was used to sell Listerine mouthwash!

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习语是人们长期使用的一些独特的固定短语和短句。Idioms are some unique long-term use of phrases and sentences fixed.

在简历的正文部分,使用短句比使用长句好。Use bullets with short sentences to structure the body of your resume.

句子结构多样化吗?抑或只是单一的长句或短句?。Is my sentence structure varied, or do I use all long or short sentences?

本书由三册组成,每册包括一百五十个短句。This book consists of three volumes, each including 150 short expressions.

阿姆斯特朗并非是第一位跑完五个城区的环法自行车手。搜索更多短句爱词霸百科…Armstrong is not the first Tour de France cyclist to tackle the five boroughs.

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排在页边空白位上的短句。亦称栏外注。Side note Short lines of text set in the margins. Synonymous with Marginal note.

短句构成的信息可以使阅读者迅速了解你的情况。Bulleting information will help the reader view your accomplishments at a glance.

38年后的今天,我仍然能随囗说出一些短句和词汇。Now 38 years later, I can still utter some short sentences and vocabulary at ease.

句子要紧凑,通常要用短句,精心选择并正确使用每一个词,使之产生最大的效果。Compact, usually short sentences, each word selected and placed for maximum effect.

在找到适应的人之前,我不知道有关爱情的英语短句。独一须要做的,就是让本身足够的优良。Before finding the right people- the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.

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故而要使用短句、标明要点并使用清晰合理的布局易于阅读。Use short paragraphs, bullet points and a clear, logical layout to make it easy to read.

以下列出的是一些我们熟悉的并且经常使用的短句。This is a list of phrases we are all familiar with and most likely use from time to time.

我信赖了你编写的童话,本身就成了童话中幽蓝的花。最动人的爱情短句。I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself be es the faint flower in the story.