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积累一生的朋友客户,这才是你的优点。This is your advantage.

他积累了大量的金银财宝。He amassed great treasure.

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人生是一个积累的过程。Life is like a dog-sled team.

小谎言的慢慢积累也许就是弥天大错。Little lies turn into big lies.

每日积累跬步的人,最终将环游世界。May get round the world at last.

小收入,若常来,积累起来钱满袋。Little and often fills the purse.

自我积累的另一个定义?Another definition of bootstrapping?

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催产素还可能充当资本积累的工具。Oxytocin may also be a capitalist tool.

因此,我们可以说,圣人是来自于积累。Thus, a sage grows out of accumulation.

一年积累下来会减少12磅。That's an automatic 12-pound annual loss!

中有甘氨酸甜菜碱的积累。The accumulation of glycine betaine in E.

这种气体积累归咎于人为因素。This accumulation is due to human causes.

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每一天我都在积累胜势。I am picking up momentum every single day.

一个人已积累了五年的供应量。One person had built up a five-year supply.

在你的词汇积累库中写出五个新单词。Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder.

在羊草中也已测出有甜菜碱的积累。Betaine was also detected in Chinese leymus.

丰富的知识是点点滴滴积累成的。In-depth knowledge is accumulated bit by bit.

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它们的死体也同样能积累六六六。Dead bodies of organisms also accumulated BHC.

我们每小我皆是我们记忆的积累。Each of us is the accumulation of our memories.

所有这些亏损都正在慢慢地积累。All these losses, slowly, slowly, are adding up.