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你可以极目远眺,看见海岸。You can see as far as the coast.

极目远眺,是云雾笼罩下的巴黎。And, far off, Paris shrouded in smoke!

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那时侯,你可以淡然一笑,极目远眺。Back then, you can lightly smile, looked over.

他极目远眺美丽的河山。He looked afar to the beautiful hills and rivers.

极目远眺可见苏格兰中部常年冰雪覆盖的延绵群山。Far away are the mountains of central Scotland, often covered with snow.

海风日夜吹袭孤独的海岸,连绵险峻的悬崖峭壁,极目远眺大西洋。Desolate stretches of windswept coastline lead up to rugged cliffs that overlook the Atlantic Ocean.

最后,我们终于渐渐慢了下来,让我和艾米莉在摩天轮的最高处极目远眺。Finally we gradually began to slow down until Emily and I surveyed the world from the top of the ferris wheel.

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像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——向远方的美景欢呼!As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——向远方的美景欢呼!As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward- Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

第二天的午后,我来到一座山岗的顶上,极目远眺,只见这一带地方渐渐向下倾斜,投入海里。On the afternoon of the second day, coming to the top of the hill, i saw all the country fall away before me down to the sea.

沐浴着阳光,享受着海水轻柔的冲刷,极目远眺,惬意悠闲的时光。Bathed in the sunshine, enjoying a gentle erosion of the sea water, looking far into the distance, what a enjoyable leisure time.

无论是极目远眺或是徜徉其间,都能感受到一种刚健、雄浑、雍容,华贵的气势。No matter looking from far beyond or walking among them, one can always breathe the airs of vigor, grandeur, elegance and luxury.

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“学者之顶”包括一个血精灵的观星台,他们在那里既可以极目远眺飘渺的星光,也能低头凝视太阳井的水波,确保一切的计划都能顺利进行。The Terrace contains the Blood Elve Observatory, where they could gaze on the stars and look down on the Sunwell to make sure everything went according to plan.

一边向前走着,霍雨浩极目远眺,如果仔细看就能发现,他那双深蓝色的眼眸瞬间变得更加澄澈,隐隐似有光晕流转。While walking forward, Huo Yuhao gaze into the distance, if you look carefully will find, his deep blue eyes instantly become more clear, faint like halo circulation.

在西湖,游人们可以坐在岸边古色古香的水榭楼台中极目远眺,也可以走在造型各异的石桥上近看田田莲叶和出淤泥而不染的“花中君子”。By the West Lake, people can have a distant view from the antique waterside pavilions or enjoy the elegant lotus when walking on the stone bridges of different styles.

想象一下,极目远眺大自然,看着绿树渐渐地变成了橙色、红色、棕色、深黄色,这一切就发生在你眼前。Imagine the scene of looking at nature in wide scale, and seeing the gradual change of green trees into shades of orange, red, brown, or darker yellow, all seen in front of your eyes.