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但是裁缝死了。But the tailor died.

裁缝们索价很高。Tailors are so expensive.

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是的,女裁缝喊道。Yes, cried the seamstress.

他是一名裁缝学徒。Ikey was a tailor's apprentice.

裁缝给他缝制了一套衣服。The tailor tailored him a suit.

一些女裁缝不高兴。Some seamstresses are not happy.

这位裁缝使用他的针。The dressmaker plies her needle.

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裁缝正在把线缠成线团。The tailor was balling the yarn.

裁缝拿开包裹上的毯子。The tailor pulled away the blanket.

他以做裁缝为业。He established himeself as a tailor.

裁缝把这套衣服做坏了。The tailor has butch ered this suit.

裁缝用绸子做外衣衬里。The tailor lined the coat with silk.

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女裁缝归拢了布料。The seamstress gathered in the cloth.

裁缝把他作为自己的接班人。The tailor took him as his successor.

小裁缝跨步上前鞠躬。The little tailor stepped up and bowed.

我祖母是熟练的裁缝。My grandmother was an expert dressmaker.

裁缝将夹克修改得合我的身。The tailor altered the jacket to fit me.

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裁缝把她的裙子放长。The tailor dropped the hem of her skirt.

他请裁缝把他的外衣放长些。He asked the tailor to lengthen his coat.

裁缝给我量尺寸做了一套新衣服。The tailor took my measure for anew suit.