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我不会用些条条框框来筛选人填充董事会。I’m not filling the board with check boxes.

这里没有太多的条条框框和限制。There aren’t as many rules and restrictions.

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官僚主义产生了使生活化的条条框框。Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.

一些抗议者称,城管维纳的提案中的条条框框完全没有必要。Some of the protesters say elements of Wiener's proposal weren't necessary.

不要被条条框框束缚,否则你就生活在他人思考的结果里。Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking.

他们反对定出许多条条框框来捆住群众的手脚。They opposed the creation of a lot of restrictions to tie the hands of the masses.

在她的成长中,无时无刻不得恪守着阿拉伯传统大家族的条条框框。Life was strict growing up under the watchful eyes of a large traditional Arab family.

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让学生无形中陷入了性格、个性血统论的条条框框。Let the student fall into the disposition, the individuality bloodline-ism rules imperceptibly.

近期危机中最糟糕的两次,正是分别发生在日本和韩国——这两个条条框框严密异常经济体中。Two of the worst in recent times, in Japan and South Korea, occurred in highly rule-bound systems.

我每天为主流品牌工作,而我看到的依然是僵硬的条条框框。我们需要进行反思。I work daily with major brands and what I see is still a bolt-on strategy. We need to rethink that.

这些条条框框无疑会极大的束缚中国影视作品的编剧,导演以及制片人。These guidelines will certainly add a creative challenge to Chinese writers, producers and directors.

这一系统不仅为质量和可升级的基础设置了可靠的条条框框,它也将降低整体成本。Not only does this system set a reliable bar for quality and scalable base, it also lowers overall costs.

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他们不喜欢被条条框框捆住手脚,却总是从另外一个角度去看问题。They don't like being hemmed in by rules or convention and often look at problems from a different angle.

但是莎雅先生在制作他自己的普通面粉未发酵面包时并不会严格按照逾越节的条条框框。But in making his own matzo out of normal bread flour, Mr. Shaya does not observe the strict rules for Passover.

有一名设想师说当他或她在页面设想时开始使用一些条条框框以及一些准则的时候就意味着他已经成为设想师了。One designer said that a mark of a designer is when he or she starts to use boxes and rules in his or her pages.

川普当选的原因就是人们厌烦了那些可能冒犯其他国家利益的条条框框。Trump was elected because people are tired of protocol and tip-toeing around anything that might offend other nations.

触及到法律的条条框框的规定,尤其是民众一段时间里应该会对白厅的信任大打折扣,至少是如此。It is the principle which counts, particularly at a time when the public's trust of Whitehall is uncertain to say the least.

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提起过去那些没有时间概念、有着无尽期望、不知恐惧,没有条条框框限制的日子,想必你很能感同身受。We all can identify times in our past where time was scarce and desires limitless, fear was unknown and rules were redefined.

他反抗当时的条条框框,还是个英年早逝的浪子。He revolted against the principles and norms of his time, he died young and he was a libertine," co-producer Albert Cohen said.

在这里,没有设计的条条框框,用艺术的感染力打动挑剔的目光,先锋和怀旧在这里得到完美结合。Here, without the conventions of the design, move with artistic appeal captious look, pioneer and nostalgic get perfect couple here.