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这个答案,我依旧在求索。I'm still searching for answers.

法国以及加拿大都正在类似的路途中求索。France is pursuing the same path, as is Canada.

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那无穷的真理,让我苦苦地求索、追随。Its infinite truth lets me probe and follow it hard.

路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。Way streched endless ahead, I will from head to foot.

无论他们的愿望有多么强烈,他们只向安拉求索。No matter how great their desires, they ask them from Allah.

漫漫人生路,上下求索,心中渴望真诚的生活。Life's long road, to seek, at heart, a sincere desire to live.

美国作家保罗·塞罗克斯一直过着求索不息的文化人生活。American writer Paul Theroux has lived the life of a culturally restless man.

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这门无趣的学问吸引的大多是头脑清醒的数学怪才,而非满腹诗情的求索者。The dismal science attracts more sober-suited math geeks than poetic seekers.

你到处奔波,艰苦求索,不满于现状。You everywhere rush about, difficult seeking, discontentedly in present situation.

的确,贝娄的主人公在苦苦求索之后,并未在精神上获救。Indeed, Bellow's protagonists don't succeed in their quests for spiritual salvation.

“求索探险”的同事们在爱德华王海岬的希望角为他建造了一座纪念碑。A memorial was built by his comrades from the Quest at Hope Point on King Edward Cove.

看着月亮不可阻逆地高升,也就是在我们内心求索一种不寻常的宁谧。To watch the moon move inexorably higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves.

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所以,往往越是勤奋用脑、求索无悔的人,其全身的健康状况越好。So, often the more hard-working brain, the quest no regrets, their general health as possible.

在道德神学中,康德沿着从“应当”到“信仰”的求索之路,最终作出上帝存有的悬拟。Along the way from "ought" to "belief", Kant made God's existence suspend in his moral theology.

这种求索,似乎同谦虚和谦虚的美德正相违反。Such an undertaking appears to stand in contradiction with the graces of lowliness and humility.

王光祈的一生是一个从政治救国到音乐救国不断求索、不断奋斗的过程。Wang Guangqi kept fighting for saving the nation by politics to saving it by music all his life.

但是我们不笨,因为我们知道路慢慢其修远兮,吾将上下而求索的道理。未来的竞争非常艰苦。But we are not stupid because we know there is a long way to go and the competition is very hard.

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只要心向远方,求索的桨声就一定会到达希望的彼岸。As long as the heart is the distance, Jiang Sheng quest will certainly reach the other side of hope.

农民工的社会保障是一个日益尖锐的特殊问题,正视它的存在并积极求索化解之道势在必行。The social insurance of peasant-worker is a special problem and should be paid attention to and be solved.

“和”是中国传统文化的特质,“和谐社会”是先贤圣哲上下求索的理想。Harmony is the characteristic of Chinese traditional culture. Wisdoms are in pursuit of a harmonious society.