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他是诡计多端的老狐狸。He’s a cunning old fox.

他真是诡计多端。He's real sly and crafty.

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你可以诡计多端的攻击。You can be sneaky about the attack.

他是个诡计多端家伙,我一点都不相信他。He's a dodgy bloke, I wouldn't trust him an inch.

钱忠说妙戈诡计多端,让云狂再考虑考虑。Qian Zhong said wonderful crafty, let cloud crazy to think it over again.

虽然他诡计多端,但好像唐顿庄园的人都会十分想他。Despite all his schemes, it looks like the Downton crew really will miss him.

泰拉纳斯与摩尔不同,他更加诡计多端,更利于达成西迪厄斯的目标。Unlike Maul, Tyranus possessed more guile and craft in meeting Sidious' aims.

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连它的拉丁名字听上去也显得足智多谋、诡计多端。The Latin name that links it listens go up to also appear resourceful, crafty.

阿米特·埃奇奥尼对最近关于诡计多端的公司骗子的新闻标题一点都不吃惊。Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks.

诡计多端的伊萨德故意让新共和国在布伦塔尔俘获佩斯塔奇。The ever-scheming Isard allowed Pestage to be captured by the New Republic at Brentaal.

我对它缺乏感情,总觉得它枯燥、愚蠢、惟利是图、诡计多端,怎么也适应不了。I am not in sympathy with it. It strikes me as dull, and stupid, and mercenary, and tricky.

与其相比,去年的生肖鼠,则是聪慧狡黠却又诡计多端和自私自利的化身。By contrast, the Rat, whose year is now ending, is said to be charming and clever but cunning and selfish.

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马科斯还变本加厉地亲自提升他诡计多端的堂弟统领军事化的国家警察部队。Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military-led national police force.

你还是可以彻底改变诡计多端,但这将取决于你想要多少回你这个人的生命。You can be sneaky or just outright changed, but it will depend on how much you want this man back in your life.

一点也不要相信他—他诡计多端,从来没有半点良心。Don't trust him an inch-he's as clever as sin and has never yet shown the slightest sign of having a conscience.

吸血者也得偷偷摸摸、诡计多端,善于避开通常比自己大的寄主在震怒下的猛击。Blood feeders must also be stealthy and wily and good at escaping the swats and fury of their often much larger hosts.

而从你所派遣向他们得到晦,诡计多端,分明就是在捉住。Instead of starting out by sending you what they have to offer, they get devious, sneaky, and just plain under-handed.

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在那里,他为民服务的初衷和热情被诡计多端的议员和其他掌权者所利用。There, his best intentions and eagerness to serve were exploited by scheming Senators and others in positions of power.

其诡计多端的战术和无懈可击的战略在恩多战役五年后把帝国带到了胜利的边缘。His cunning tactics and unerring strategies brought the Empire to the brink of victory five years after the Battle of Endor.

就好比一切诡计多端并生存下来的生物一样,这个新观念也面对了进化的压力,找到了适合自己的生态位置。Like any wily and surviving creature, this new ideology has faced evolutionary pressures and adapted to its ecological niche.