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尽管修通了隧道。Despite the new tunnel.

我们只花了一个星期修通这条路。It only took us like a week to put a road through it.

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龙城高速修通后,要比原来的线路节省30公里左右。High on high speed, want to build a than the original lines save about 30 km.

我们修通了横贯北美大陆连接东西海岸的铁路干线。I crossed the continent and joined together the seas with my great railroads.

等路修通了我的产品就可以运到集市上去买了。Once the road is repaired I can transport my products to the county market and sell them.

尽管修通了隧道,但仍有一些人想冒险徒步跨越圣伯纳德山口。Despite the new tunnel,there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass onfoot.

在这期间,铁路修通到了城里,十二岁的汤姆得到了一份在火车上卖报的活儿。Meanwhile the railway came to town and twelve-year-old Tom got a job selling newspapers on the train.

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只有当一个分析能够持续不断地修通患者和其母性客体之间的原初依赖才能加固这种根本的脆弱。Only an analysis which perseveres to thorough working-through of the primal dependence on the maternal object can strengthen this underlying fragility.

你看,他们为解决出行难,蔬菜水果要运出村,想出各种办法修通公路。You looked that they go on a journey difficultly for the solution, the vegetables fruit must ship out the village, finds out each means to lay the road.

精神分析即对防御和移情之诠释,藉由此过程情结得以被修通,且自体的裂缝得以被逐渐填补。Psychoanalysis is the Interpretation of Defence and Transference. In this process the Complex can be Worked Through and the blanks of the self can be filled up gradually.

村里修通了连接县城的公路,架通了高压输电线,新建了学校、加工站和电视卫星差转台。The village builds the road that knew join town, frame opened line of high-pressured transmit electricity, built station of the school, treatment and TV satellite to need revolving stage.

由于古道地质条件复杂,众多的高山垭口、激流、冰川使得修通贯穿古道的公路成为一代人的梦想。The geology nearby Old Rideis very complex, there are so many high mountains passes, riptides , glaciers, it was the dream of one generation to build the highroad which goes through the Old Road.