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别这麽小家子气吗,考虑一下我们的意见呀!Don't be so parochial. Consider our opinions please.

那样你会看上去很小家子气,而听众也早就不想听了。You look petty and people have stopped listening long ago.

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这个孩子很小家子气,她不让任何人玩她的玩具。The ungenerous child would not let anyone else play with her toys.

你干嘛这么小家子气他有个芭比,有什么大不了?What are you being such a weenie for?So he has a Barbie. Big deal.

她还要再过几年才能压得了场面,和欧美明星一比现在还是显得小家子气。She is not going to be a super star with her current English skills.

我知道政治角力有时会显得小家子气甚至愚蠢。I know that political campaigns can sometimes seem small, even silly.

幸好时怀婵十分大量,也没有表现出小家子气的所为。Fortunately, when pregnant chan is very large, also do not show a petty.

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而火焰杯恰恰是个让电影蜘蛛侠也显得小家子气的大制作。"Goblet" on the other hand is an action epic of a size that makes the last "Spider-Man" movie seem small.

只不过腾讯的小家子气可能最终让它错过引领整个产业的机会。Just the small home of Tecent child gas may let it finally miss the opportunity that leads whole industry.

团长却认为,我们有点小家子气,不象大企业的大老板。But the head of the delegation insisted that we were so petty as not to look like rich businessmen from large enterprises.

但是许彬师傅丝毫没有任何怨言,相反之下,我的忐忑不安倒显得有点小家子气了。However, Master Hui Bin did not have any complaints, on the contrary, I am in the back seemed a bit uneasy Xiaojiazaiqi the.

豁达。女人最忌的是小家子气,豁达一些会发现自己有了更多的朋友。Open-minded. Woman what to hate most is the coarse spirit, open-minded and some will discover that the oneself had more friends.

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但你穿得一身小家子气,我猜你出身贫寒,而且你的校友也不曾让你忘记这一点。But you wear it with such a disdain, my guess is that you did not come from money and your school friends never let you forget it.

假如刻意穿紧密包覆的衣服,然又不小心露出肩带,反而显得很小家子气,这是应该尽量避免的。If wear the dress that includes Fu cheek by jowl painstakingly, show aglet not carefully again like that, appear very small instead child gas, this should avoid as far as possible.

百度放弃自己做财经频道是对的,但百度先做一堆新闻频道,然后一个个卖掉,却显得有点小家子气。It is right that Baidu abandons him becoming channel of finance and economics, but Baidu becomes channel of one caboodle news first, next each sells, appear a bit small however child gas.

贾平凹收藏的大大小小的汉罐使他认识到什么是真正的大气,从而摆脱早期创作的阴柔风格所透出的小家子气,立志写出大气磅礴、大境界的作品。Those Chinese jars that he collect make him know what's genuine greatness, and get rid of his mean at his early creation stage because of his gentle style, and he is determined to write great works.

不满由来已久,其中包括他们未能遵守在今年夏天买进一名一流的中场大将的承诺以及过去三年间在球队身上小家子气的投资。The grievances are long but they include the failure to keep the promise of signing a top class centre midfielder this summer, as well as the general lack of investment during the past three summers.