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他的大厅用鹿角装饰着。His hall was decorated with deer horns.

大型分叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。Large branching coral resembling antlers.

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他将这些鹿角煮干净之后并把它们留作了纪念品。He boiled them clean to save as a keepsake.

它大约有120磅重,只有两只小鹿角。He's about 120 pounds, with just two small antlers.

从倒影中他看到一对鹿角,他已经变成一头雄鹿了。He's seen a pair of antlers, he's turning into a stag.

鹿角非常大,有很多个分岔。The antlers are huge, with a large number of top points.

雄鹿有被称为多叉鹿角的,像大树枝般的角。Stag have large branch-like horns which are called antlers.

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我不会让主人戴上可笑的圣诞鹿角或者红帽子。I will not make my master wear silly-looking antlers or red hats.

雄性成鹿在夏天生长鹿角并养肥身体。The adult males spend the summer growing antlers and getting fat.

他将把鹿角挂在墙上作为纪念品。He was going to hang the horns of the antler on the wall as a trophy.

那些鹿角还不太大的被留在围栏里。And those whose antlers are still not so big are left in the enclosure.

鹿角就是长在公鹿头上的角。Antlers are the hard and bony points that grow on the heads of male deer.

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他们拥有巨大的鹿角和树叶状的灵魂围绕在身后。They have enormous antlers and manes of leaves that flow down their backs.

图中可见巨大的鹿角样结石嵌顿于肾盂肾盏系统。A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system.

鹿角是有血管和神经节的十字型活组织。Antlers are living tissue criss-crossed with blood vessels and nerve endings.

那Hamar是十分精巧的用鹿角装饰的于埃塞俄比亚的种族群体。The Hamar are among the most elaborately attired of Ethiopia's ethnic groups.

鹿角一直被保存至夏末,然后就可卖出。The conservation process ends in the end of summer, and then antlers are sold.

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第二个博物馆则被用于储存鹿肉和鹿角。The second museum is used for the purpose – venison and antlers are kept here.

黄色肉芽肿肾盂肾炎和鹿角石皆罕见于儿童。Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and staghorn calculus are rare in children.

重要动物骨骼有鹿角、鼋甲、陆龟等。Important animal bone remains including antler, soft-shelled turtle and tortoise.