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现在你不问青红皂白把我拖来这里?。And now you drag me in here with no probable cause?

大量不分青红皂白的检查和事故不断提高卡车的保养成本。And numerous indiscriminate checks and accidents are pushing up truck maintenance costs.

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那个时候拥有的美好事物被我同苦楚一起不分青红皂白地都掩埋了。It was berried together with the pain at that time. But now I realized I had never been poor at all.

你最好先查清楚事情的来龙去脉,不要不分青红皂白地诬赖我。You should not confound right and wrong and incriminate me, please try to understand the context first.

在她关于美国不分青红皂白使用杀虫剂的研究中,卡森很快被从幕后推向前台。In her study of America’s indiscriminate use of pesticides, Carson was repeatedly led back to the front yard.

士兵们不分青红皂白地向街上的人群关枪扫射,甚至驾驶着坦克辗毙人民。The army shot and killed thousands of innocent students and citizen, even crushed the human to die using tanks.

他们批评塔利班在闹市或繁华道路引爆简易爆炸装置,“不分青红皂白”地杀害平民。They criticise the Taliban for "indiscriminately" killing civilians by detonating IEDs in crowded markets or on busy roads.

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基于这样的理由,大部分人们必然是被不分青红皂白并且极为夸大其词的豁免罪罚的允诺给蒙蔽了。For this reason most people are necessarily deceived by that indiscriminate and high-sounding promise of release from penalty.

同时他们称军队"不分青红皂白地炮击人口密集区,包括医院,违反了战争法。"And it says the army has “indiscriminately shelled densely populated areas, including hospitals, in violation of the laws of war.”

内阁大臣们首先应该质问的是对于大公司和超级富豪不分青红皂白的依赖。The first thing that is needed is for ministers to start questioning the unthinking dependence on big business and the super-rich.

地姨妈这个人和有些人一样,对于专卖药,或强身、健体等之类的保健药品,不分青红皂白都要先试为快。She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it.

全球恐怖活动不分青红皂白的无差别杀戮使他们越来越不得人心。Terrorist movements across the world have a history of alienating their popular support by waging campaigns of indiscriminate murder.

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这些奖金多半不分青红皂白按人头发到当时在所谓的“高危”领域服役的军官,根本不作业绩评估。More often than not, such bonuses go to any officer in the “critical” career fields of the moment, regardless of performance evaluations.

我知道这种论点是基于同情心,但我认为这样一种不分青红皂白的做法既不明智也不公平。I recognize the sense of compassion that drives this argument, but I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair.

报告强烈建议减少对直接付款的依赖,但并没有要求不分青红皂白一律立即停止使用者付费做法。The report strongly recommends a reduced reliance on direct payments, but it does not call for an immediate end to user fees in all settings.

移民权利活动人士说,政府不分青红皂白地驱逐移民,没有考虑他们与社区的关系。Immigration rights activists say the government is deporting migrants indiscriminately, and not taking into account their ties to the community.

新加坡的李光耀批评西方人时说得没错,“西方人总是不分青红皂白地将它们的体系硬塞给一些没法用好这套体系的社会”。Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew got it right when he blamed Westerners who "foist their system indiscriminately on societies in which it will not work."

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如果私营领域的投资者或公司认为政府的规定会不分青红皂白地朝令夕改,那么他们就不会愿意参与进来。If investors or companies in the private sector believe that the rules can change quickly and indiscriminately , they will be unwilling to participate.

妈妈难道会轻功,我还没来得及想时,妈妈一看满脸委屈的弟弟,就不分青红皂白的说了我一顿,我鼻子一酸,竟然哭了。Is her mother will Qinggong, I have not enough time to think, do face a wronged mother's brother, the indiscriminate that my meal, my nose an acid, even tears.

最严重的问题就是不分青红皂白,把一切领导干部都打成‘***修正主义分子’,排斥一切,文章不能做绝啊!The most serious problem is indiscriminately, all the leading cadres ' hit into counter-revolutionary revisionists ', the exclusion of all, article can not do ah!