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国防工业应该给自己找后路了。The defence industry should take cover.

我现在正在挑选国防类的股票。I am currently seeking out defense stocks.

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国防工业实行军民结合、平战结合。To connect or combine precisely or harmoniously.

国防愿出万金,进贡不给一分。Millions for defense. But not one cent for tribute.

国防您的王国,并成为国王的环。Defence your kingdom and become the king of the ring.

连国防事业都不断地建立在软件之上。Even national defense is increasingly software-based.

但是,我们的国防建设完全是为了自卫。But our defence construction is purely for self-defence.

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股市下跌由国防相关类股上涨而止停。Declines were capped by gains in defense-related shares.

国防教育是我们入学的必修课程。Education for national defence is our compulsory course.

1962年,印度的国防预算只有可怜的35亿卢比!In 1962, India's defence budget was a measly 350 crores!

我的职业与我们的国防密切相关。My profession touches our national defense very closely.

他们唯一的国防是他们的意志和可怕的精神。Whose only defense is their will and redoubtable spirit.

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国防专家博士保罗白色所列举的是垃圾科学。Defense expert Dr. Paul White presented was junk science.

公共品的另一个经典案例是国防。The classic example of a public good is national defense.

出于此类原因,国防股票可能将被大大地卖空。For reasons like that, defense stocks may well be oversold.

加强国防动员和后备力量建设。We will strengthen defense mobilization and reserve forces.

日本最好的选择就是加强自己的国防,买更多的F35战斗机!!Japan best option is build up It defenses and buy more F35 ! !

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爱玛跟我互相很看不顺眼,还不说酒店费用像国防预算那样吓人。Not to mention a hotel tab that reads like the defense budget.

美国公司对于印度国防市场相对来说是初来乍到。U.S. companies are relatively new to the Indian defense market.

在合气道武术Shomen宇智是国防开销罢工。In Aikido martial arts Shomen Uchi is an overhead strike defense.