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室内环境质量如何帮助绿色建筑项目?How can IEQ help green building projects?

中国室内环境质量的独特挑战是什么?What are unique challenges in China for IEQ?

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环境质量的情况也相似。The case with environmental quality is similar.

这个研究发表在环境质量杂志上。The study was published in the Journal of Environmental Quality.

环境质量委员会曾试图理清时机和范围问题。The CEQ has attempted to clarify both the timing and scope issues.

最高法院也支持环境质量委员会对最坏个案规定的修正规定。The Court also upheld CEQ's replacement for the worst case regulation.

我国北方有众多中小城镇,其环境质量大都有一定特点。There are many medium and small cities and towns in the north of China.

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采取措施后,再评价环境质量。Reassessing the environment quality after the remedial measure is taken.

可防卫性是居住区环境质量的必要组成方面。Defensibility is a necessary character of excellent dwelling environment.

安全和环境质量就是经济学家所称为的“正常商品”。Safety and environmental quality are what economists call “normal goods.”

工作和生活环境质量较差和饮酒是再障发生的危险因素。Bad working and living environment and drinking were the risk factors of AA.

生活水平,生活质量和环境质量都将得到改善”。Living standards, quality of life and environmental quality will be achieved.

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建立了延庆县旅游生态环境质量评价体系。Tourism eco-environmental quality evaluation system of Yanqing was established.

过去的一些收入水平,环境质量差不多可以说是正常和良好的。Past some income level, environmental quality is almost certainly a normal good.

③可以从一个侧面反映喀斯特地区环境质量的变异。And it can reflect the environment quantity changing of Kast area in a new aspect.

影响武陵源区环境质量的指标主要是水污染、土壤污染、噪声污染。The assign mark of environment quality in Wulingyuan was 91 and reached a excellent grade.

表明福安市茶园土壤环境质量总体较好。Therefore, the environmental quality in the soil of tea garden in Fuan is fine in general.

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有利于提高渭河中下游生态环境质量及渭河流域的综合治理。Which is helpful to enhance the ecological environment and to harness the Wei River basin.

本文提出了一种环境质量评价的新的计算方法——RN方法。A new computational method for environmental quality assessment-the RN method is presented.

采用人机工程学观点,改善环境质量。Becouse adopting the point of man-machine engineering, the environment quality is improved.