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或许也是我自己的一相情愿啦。Maybe I just think too much.

我想是一些人的一相情愿。I think some people's wishful.

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或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。Perhaps, this is my alone affection.

或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。Maybe it was just my own wishful thinking.

本来就是我自己的一相情愿。Is my one's own wishful thinking originally.

或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。Probably, this may also just my a mutually wish.

我知道你始终不爱我,只是我一相情愿的太多。I know that you still do not love me, but my wishful too much.

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或许,这也可能只是我的一相情愿。不管怎么说,希望你幸福。Perhaps it's my selfish idea only but anyhow I really wish you happy.

“这个骗子,”保罗嚷道,“是一个欺诈的、一相情愿的中年女人的白日梦!”“This project, ” Paul cried, “is a fraudulent, wishful middle-aged woman’s fantasy!”

其实,家长的癫狂不过是标榜自我成功的一相情愿而已。What fires parents' fanaticism is their self-serving desire to announce their own success.

所以我们认为的属于自己的东西,其实不过是人的一相情愿的认为罢了。That is why we consider to be their own thing, they are actually people think it's wishful.

但这只是印度一相情愿,因为中国不会在与印度的边境争端问题上作出任何让步。But this is wishful thinking, as China won't make any compromises in its border disputes with India.

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我寄生在自己一个人的童话里,背负着恶名,对她一如既往的一相情愿。I have parasites in their own fairy tale where a person carries the stigma of her as always wishful.

一个一相情愿的交易者给他亏损的账户“更多的时间以恢复”,然而却慢慢的摧毁了他的账户。A sleepwalking trader gives his losing trades "more time to work out, " while they slowly destroy his account.

“不折腾”是谬论,是统治阶级的一相情愿的愿望,折腾才是人类进步真理!!!"No toss" is a fallacy, is the ruling class wishful desire to toss about the progress of mankind is the truth! ! !

我觉得自己是个傻瓜,认真的付出我的感情,却不知道自己只是一相情愿。I felt like a fool. I had gone so far out on a limb with my feelings that I didn't realize I was standing out there alone.

品牌推广策略有时候可能是一相情愿的想法,它也许没有真正从用户的感受中去考虑。This realization is a powerful tool for user experience professionals and can help snap clients and peers out of static thinking.

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总是一相情愿地认为,认为会等得到,这是可笑的开始,结果不用说就是可笑和白痴。Always on my own wishful thinking that I can wait till the end, and that is the beginning of stupidity, of course the result is fool and stupidity.