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但是欧洲议会社会党党团和绿党提议改革条例以阻止勒庞掌管欧洲议会。But the Socialists and Greens proposed a rule change to block Mr Le Pen.

西太平洋上的关岛在星期六举行了民主党党团大会。The western Pacific island of Guam held Democratic Party caucuses on Saturday.

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欧洲议会中的绿色党团也从最初占议会议席到数第二的小党团一度发展成为欧洲议会中的第三大党团。To that date it is possible to green party to set up green group in the EU parliament.

这次示威游行一年之后,弗莱顿帮助建立了全国妇女政治党团会议。A year after the march, Friedan helped establish the National Women's Political Caucus.

佩洛西表示,在周一的众议院民主党党团会议上,将就这一问题进行讨论。Pelosi said she would meet with the House Democratic caucus Monday to discuss the matter.

唐宁街10号在结交议会党团时,其自身应当更虚心尽职。Number 10 itself needs to be more humble and assiduous in cultivating the parliamentary party.

但是从那时起,在每一场初选或者党团基层会议中,大批黑人都倾向于选奥巴马。But since then blacks in every primary or caucus have tended to vote for Obama in large numbers.

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共和党将在每个党内预选党团会议地点投票选举选民推举的侯选人。获得半数以上选票者获胜。Republicans will select the candidate of their choice through a majority vote at each caucus site.

同时,民主党党团议会选举中希拉里?克林顿和巴拉克?奥巴马平分秋色。Meanwhile, Democrats share the stage here as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vie for a caucus victory.

这里的“师”,更可以代之以其他的一切——父母、领袖、党团,乃至个人自己。The noted teacher here can replace other things-----such as parents, leaders, leagues, even yourselves.

法国国民议会社会党党团主席认为,这项裁定是完全合理的。French National Assembly, Socialist Group Chairman considered that this decision is entirely reasonable.

最近,我是一个——最近获得2011年国会党团会议论文黑色基金会奖学金。Recently -- recently, I was a recipient of the 2011 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Essay Scholarship.

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不论是谁赢得民主党总统竞选人初选或者党团选举,超级代表都可以提名自己选中的人选。They can support whichever candidate they choose, regardless of who wins the primary elections and caucuses.

昨天萨科奇就关于此次金融危机时告知法国议会党团,他想要“具体的”措施。Sarkozy yesterday told a French parliamentary group on the financial crisis that he wanted "concrete" measures.

人民党党团作为欧洲议会第一大党团更是责无旁贷。The People's Party group, as the largest political group in the European Parliament, is duty-bound in every means.

今天上午我刚来欧洲议会参加人民党党团为我举行的早餐会,下午我又应邀来到这里与你们会面交流。This morning I was invited to a breakfast discussion with the People's Party group, and now we are meeting here again.

而欧洲议会相关法令规定,保守党要在欧洲议会中成立新的党团,必须包括至少七个欧盟会员国的欧洲议会议员。Under the EU parliament's rules, the Tories must include MEPs from at least seven member countries to form a grouping.

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他们大部分人愿意加入党团组织,参与社会事务热情高,许多人已经参加各种民间组织。Moreover , most of them are willing to join the Party or the League, and to participate actively in various social activities.

奥巴马今年1月在爱奥华州民主党基层党团会议上的胜利,让他踏上赢得民主党总统候选人提名的征途。Obama's victory in the Iowa party caucuses in January set him on a course to win the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

在奥巴马取得8州初选与党团选举的一连串胜利之后,希拉里.克林顿指望在以上3州获胜,以挫败奥巴马的锐气。Clinton is counting on those three states to blunt Obama's momentum in the wake of his eight straight caucus and primary victories.