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有些国家一穷二白。There is nothing in some of these countries.

听上赴不错。我这个星期真的是一穷二白了!That sounds great. I'm really broke this week!

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但是城市的创建要从一穷二白的基础上开始。But first the city has to be created from scratch.

改变我国一穷二白的面貌。Lift our country from the state of “poverty and blankness”.

也就是在那,她遇到了亚伯拉罕·林肯,那个自嘲道“一穷二白”的人。Here she met Abraham Lincoln--in his own words, "a poor nobody then."

今天,没有人不知道世界上贫富之间的这一鸿沟,没有人能说一点也不知道这道鸿沟使一穷二白的人付出的代价多大。No one today is unaware of this divide between the world’s rich and poor.

这个出色的男朋友简直是完美无瑕的----谁在乎他一穷二白,身无分文呢?This wonderful boyfriend was flawless — who cared about his pennilessness?

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现在的我们是“一穷二白”的,但这并不坏。因为我们是一张白纸,正好写字!Because we are just like a blank sheet of paper, which is good for writing on!

“刚毕业的时候我就应该预料到现在‘一穷二白’的光景。”冯说道。"I guess having just graduated I should have expected to be broke," Feng said.

等他回来,游戏已经重新开始,拉维差不多输得一穷二白。By the time he returned, the game was under way again and Lovey was nearly destitute.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks.I do not support those attacks.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks. I do not support those attacks.

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我是一个一穷二白的农民,想搞一些发明创造,为中国的民族工业做一点贡献。I am an impoverished farmers, I want to make some inventions, as Chinese national industry as a contribution.

他的一穷二白成了父母阻止我们的最好说辞,而我的犹豫终让他黯然放手。He became the impoverished our best parents stop saying, and my hesitation finally let him dejected to let go.

由于增长迅速,许多发展中国家的佼佼者仅仅在二十年当中,从当初一穷二白的穷国发展成为世人艳羡的英雄。Thanks to such rapid advances, many of the developing world’s champions have risen from zero to hero in just a couple of decades.

鲍卡斯继续他的发言,说他对这位小学二年级学生“无情的贪婪感到厌恶,尤其是在这么多诚实的美国人一穷二白的时候。”Baucus went on to say that he was disgusted by the second-grader's "ruthless greed, especially at a time when so many honest Americans have to go without."

我买了十多二十年彩票,还是一穷二白,连三奖也没有中,这证明人要发达,还是要努力工作才可以,世界上并没有免费午餐。I bought more than ten or twenty years lottery, deprived, even three prize has no, these references to developed, still want to work hard can, there were no free lunch.

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任少校后他主动请缨前往越南,他意识到当地的革命气氛同样孕育在他一穷二白的祖国。As a major, he volunteered for Vietnam, where he realized for Vietnam, where he realized that the same conditions that fed revolution there also existed in his own impoverished country.

毛相信,中国所谓的“一穷二白”的国情是伟大的道德纯粹性和革命能量的来源,预示了中国将向社会主义乌托邦飞跃迫在眉睫。China's alleged condition of being "poor and blank, " Mao believed, was a source of great moral purity and revolutionary energy that foreshadowed China's imminent leap to a socialist utopia.