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你有时候会觉得你想小解但是解不出来吗?Do you sometimes feel like you want to but you can't?

医生,每次我小解的时候,都会出血。Doctor, every time I pass water, it looks like blood.

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如果你小解时有尿道疼痛的问题,我建议你去看这个泌尿科医生。If you have a pain in your urethra when peeing, I suggest.

当那小孩由窗口堕下时我正在小解。I am relieving myself when the little kid fell from the window.

不过,它还将让您觉得膀胱充分和你会觉得有需要小解。However, it will also make your bladder feel full and you will feel the need to urinate.

我的猜测是我们浪费了大量的时间在等待那些需要小解的家伙身上。My guess is that we missed it because of ample waiting time for those needing to pee all the time.

略有要小解,是感受到了当尿量达到大约有一半的膀胱的容量。The slight need to urinate is sensed when urine volume reaches about one-half of the bladder's capacity.

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这个贫穷的国家,人口众多,但私人用的马桶和公厕却不多见,到处都能闻到小解的味道。In a poor country with few private toilets and public facilities and a large outdoor population, urine is a common smell.

算法在不收敛情况下以误差最小解为计算结果,提高了DTS的鲁棒性。To enhance the robustness of DTS, the solution with the minimum error is taken as the result when convergence cannot be found.

我想小解。这是较为随意的,告诉别人你想小便。你可以使用这句话,要求别人帮你找到洗手间。This is a very casual way of telling someone that you need to urinate. You can use this sentence as a precursor to requesting help finding a restroom.

我的同事问女主人是否有地方可以让我小解,女主人用手往房子侧后方的粪池指了指。My colleague asked the lady of the house if there was a place I could pee, and she gestured to the side and back of the house, where there was a big manure pond.

借助集值映射的余切上图导数,给出了集值优化问题取得极小解和严格极小解的充分条件。With contingent epiderivative of set-valued mapping, we gain the sufficient conditions of minimal solution and strict minimal solution of set-valued optimization problem.

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文章通过上下解、单调迭代的方法研究了一类脉冲积分微分方程的非线性边值问题,获得了这类方程的极大、极小解存在的充分条件。This paper considers the existence of nonlinear boundary condition solutions for the integro-differential equations with impulsive. By employing the monotone iterative method, some results are given.

将近吃完时我去厕所小解,让人崩溃的是西式马桶没有冲水有大便在里头,脑子里轻轻叮的一声,“看吧,你还是在中国!”Towards the end of the meal, I stepped into the men's room to pee and there, disintegrating in the western-style toilet, was an unflushed turd, a little reminder saying, "See, you're still in China!"