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这些公司在信贷紧缩时期很吃香。These companies are popular in a credit crunch.

那位大臣当时在宫廷里很吃香。The minister was in high favour at Court at that time.

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林恩·汤森在那些股东里头总是很吃香的。Lynn Townsend was always popular with the stockholders.

我们很高兴地看到,博客逐渐成为很吃香的技术。Blogging, nice to see, is becoming a sought-after expertise.

这是一个专才吃香而通才无用的时代。This is an era in which specialists thrive and generalists do not.

在欧洲的Epcot,美圆仍旧很吃香的。In Epcot's European countries, the dollar still retains some value.

可以这样吃香肠的小妞当然是我们的最爱。Any chick that can down sausage like that is a favorite in our book.

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现今,妖艳的女演员似乎很吃香。Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be very popular.

政府工作很吃香,但作为一个政府物理学家你也永远不可能富起来。Government jobs pay well, but you will never become wealthy being a government physicist.

现今,妖艳的女演员似乎比智慧型的女演员吃香。Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look.

如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,海归也不像原来那样吃香了。Nowadays as increasing numbers of people study abroad, the overseas returnee are not so popular as before.

如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,海归也不像原来那样吃香了。Nowadays as increasing numbers of people study abroad, the overseas returnees are not so popular as before.

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我今天凌晨8点起床,洗漱已矣后就开始吃香馥馥的早饭。I this morning 8 o'clock to get out of bed, after washes rinses started to be popular the fragrant breakfast.

我怀孕的时候就有一次吃香辣虾吃得太多拉了好几天肚子,非常后悔。Pregnancy when I have time to eat too much spicy shrimp eat for several days pulling the stomach, very sorry.

但是,还是有人相信,危机将产生机遇,金融专业会再次吃香。Still, there are people betting that crisis will birth opportunity and finance majors will again be in demand.

她说,甚至在文科专业本应该很吃香的领域,技术专业也占有优势。Technical majors even have an advantage in fields that are typically hotbeds for liberal arts majors, she said.

现如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,“海归”派也不像原来那样吃香了。Nowadays, with more and more people go abroad for further education, the returners are not as popular as before.

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女性和新手在一个保守的党派中并不吃香。Being a woman and a recent arrival doesn't play well in a conservative party. The party needs to be more desperate.

除了实金之外,纸黄金投资产品在今年的市场上也很吃香。In addition to actual gold bars, paper gold investment products are also enjoying enormous popularity on the market this year.

国有企业再度吃香,中国政府选择通过国企来落实大规模经济刺激计划。State-owned enterprises are back in vogue, and were the chosen mechanism through which Beijing administered its massive stimulus.