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他砰砰地拍桌子。He thumped on the table.

她砰砰地走回自己房间去了。She banged off to her room.

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青蛙在洼地里砰砰跳着。The frogs plunked in the hollow.

有人在砰砰地擂门。Someone is thundering at the door.

我害怕得心砰砰直跳。My heart was palpitating with fear.

这位老人砰砰地在房子周围猛敲。The old man banged around the house.

楼上有人在砰砰地走动。There's someone banging about upstairs.

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我砰砰地打门,直到他们让我进去。I banged on the door until he let me in.

在风中,百叶窗帘砰砰地碰着墙。The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.

他砰砰打门,一直到她开门让他进去为止。He banged on the door until she let him in.

他在砰砰地弹出最新的流行曲。He is banging out the latest popular tunes.

他总把头碰得吊扇砰砰想。?He kept BONKING his head on the ceiling fan.

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树枝在风中砰砰地打着百叶窗。The branches thumped the shutters in the wind.

一副引擎砰砰响着却不提供能量。An engine was chugging but not delivering heat.

几个少年在用飞镖砰砰的扎气球。Some teenagers were popping balloons with darts.

第二天清晨,砰砰的马蹄声把我们从睡梦中惊醒。The next morning we wake to the thump of hooves.

我相信一定有人听得到我砰砰的心跳声。I was positive someone could hear my heart thumping.

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“砰砰”的撞门声来得结实又沉稳,成了有节律的断奏。The banging on the door had reached steady staccato.

“别把门关得砰砰响,”希金波坦先生提醒他。"Don't bang the door, " Mr. Higginbotham cautioned him.

请不要在聚会开端前就把一切的气球都砰砰弄爆。Please don't pop all the ballons before the party starts.