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像我一样的教授也不过如此。I mean, professors like me.

群众的智慧也不过如此。So much for the wisdom of crowds.

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也确实不过如此了。That's really the world we live in then.

时代不可避免的前进脚步也不过如此。So much for the inevitable march of progress.

其实,很多事情很多人都是不过如此。In fact, many things and people are just so-so.

不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可我觉得它不过如此。However you praise the film, I just feel it so-so.

今天来看,曾大肆吹捧的“防火墙”也不过如此。Today's much-ballyhooed "firewall" is not nearly strong enough.

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真派的‘先天气功’不过如此,乔老爷领教了。True parties of'inborn Chi Kung'only so-so, Joe's master accepted.

几个月来,她尽可能地节省了每一分钱,结果不过如此。She had been saving every penny she could for months , with this result.

牧师劝告人们学习篱雀的生活方式不过如此。So much for the reverend's exhortations to emulate the ways of the dunnock.

第二天,切罗基人莎被草草地埋了,咆哮营能提供的不过如此。The next day Cherokee Sal had such rude sepulture as Roaring Camp afforded.

“哈哈!你的本事不过如此罢了!”老虎暗自高兴。"Ah-ha, so that is all you can do, " thought the tiger with great pleasure.

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如果这个老头能做的不过如此的话,那我就没什么好担心的。If that's the best the old man can do then I don't have much to worry about.

嘿,抽烟有什么难的!我以前不知道抽烟不过如此,要是知道的话,我早就学会了。Why, it's just as easy! If I'd a knowed this was all, I'd a learnt long ago.

美国所谓的革命不过如此。而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。So much for a revolution. But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

这是很棒的电影,或者拿华生的例子来说,是个很棒的电视节目,但也不过如此而已。It’s great theater, or in Watson’s case, great television, but that’s all it is.

通常,“差之毫厘”也不过如此-因为还是“差”,事情并没有发生,放下即可。Normally, 'near misses' are simply that to me -- misses. They didn't happen. Let it go.

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没过多久科比与加索尔完成了一次空中接力,掘金所做的不过如此。After Bryant completed an alley-oop from Gasol just moments later, the Nuggets did just that.

不过,那时对我而言多么神秘莫测的东西现在看上去也不过如此平凡,当然,你也是其中一件。But what seemed to me so mysterious thenis perfectly plain to me now. And to you, too, of course....

最后,他们作为言语不通的难民所能得到的待遇也就不过如此了。Then they get the kind of reception that asylum seekers who don't speak the language have come to expect.