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我们徒劳地等待着。We waited in vain.

但我知道这祈求是徒劳的。But I am asking the impossible.

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问题是,这只怕是徒劳The problem is, it didn't work.

跟他们争论是徒劳无补的。it's useless arguing with them.

啊,我知道一切规劝警诫都是徒劳的。Alas, I know all warning is vain.

被一颗孤独的心徒劳地敲击。A lonely heart that beats in vain.

这是一个徒劳的目标,希钦斯说。It's a futile aim, says Hitchings.

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他试图安慰她,但是徒劳。He tried to console herm but in vain.

徒劳地搜索于石南花丛中。In vain searched through the heather.

赞赏着它,徒劳地做着零与零的加法。Admiring it and adding noughts in vain.

攻击无知觉的东西是徒劳的。It is useless attacking the insensible.

所有那些他付出的努力都是徒劳无果的。All the efforts he invested were in vain.

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硬要他们使用英语纯属徒劳。To require them to use English is futile.

但可惜啊,这只能是我枉自徒劳的承诺!Lo, the vain promise! Is the same, the same.

却不再徒劳蛥攀爬那根烂树桩。Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.

我徒劳地企图接近莫尔多夫。I am trying ineffectually to approach Moldorf.

或哀怨我的命运,当我知道这一切都是徒劳?Or grieve at my Fate, when I know 'tis in vain?

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默默等待将要变成徒劳。Silent awaiting would turn out to be unavailing.

意志越强,愈是徒劳无效。The stronger the will, the more futile the task.

所有这样的学说都是愚蠢与徒劳的。All such doctrines are equally stupid and futile.