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他讲的是确凿不移的实情。He told the strict truth.

他告诉了我实情。And he tells me the truth.

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我没法告诉你实情。I can't tell you the truth.

弗吉尼亚没有讲实情。Virginia no dice la verdad.

他终于开始明白了实情。The truth at last dawned on him.

他佯装不知实情。He pretended not to know the facts.

只索以实情告之。I’ll simply have to tell him the truth.

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我没逞能,短信悉数告诉她实情。I didn't try to tell her the truth, sms.

逼她说出实情这件事做得有点过分。It overburns to make her tell the truth.

但是我不敢肯定她是否已告诉了我全部实情。Cheap Ghd she had told me the whole truth.

他硬下心来把实情告诉了他们。He steeled himself to tell them the truth.

奸细从一个男孩那里套出了实情。The spy wormed the true story out of a boy.

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当他来拜访我时,我将会把实情告诉他。I will tell him the truth when he visits me.

我虽然在讲俏皮话,但我说的是实情。I'm wisecracking, but I'm telling the truth.

没人愿意告诉我实情,但现在我知道了事情真象,我将会告诉你们。Nobody wanted to tell me the true story, but now

乔是我们的班长,他会告诉你实情。Joe is our monitor, he should tell it like it is.

警察逼罪犯招出实情。The police dragged the truth out of the prisoner.

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我是有听说捐钱的实情,可是钱都去哪了?"I hear of donors but where are they?" Amina said.

因此,我告诉了她们实情,尽管有所删节。So I told them the truth, albeit somewhat abridged.

嘿,告诉我实情,少在我面前耍花样。Hey, tell me the truth. And don't get smart with me.