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顶端长着一个松散的小白绒球。Long with a loose top small white pompon.

我们选了一只毛绒球一样贪玩的小灰猫。We picked a little, gray, playful ball of fur.

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这所房子太脏了!它里面有很多灰尘绒球。How dirty the house is! It has many dust bunnies.

莫莉抽出一根新线头,绕在绒球上。Molly ripped out new yarn and wound it on the ball.

其包含小脑的绒球和小结以及它和平衡有关。Includes the flocculus and nodulus and is related to equilibrium.

精选高密度防绒布,防止细小绒球外漏。Selected high-density cover to prevent the leakage of small down.

而山茶花的叶子一簇挨着一簇,密密的,像个小绒球。The leaves of Camellia next to a cluster of clusters, thick, like a small pompon.

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每一只小狗都是一个小绒球,但是你需要知道如何将他抚养长大。Every puppy is a cute ball of fluff , but you need to know what it will grow up to be.

顶部饰有绒球的拖鞋会满足那些未来芭蕾舞团首席女演员愿望。Slippers crowned with tulle pom-poms will satisfy the longings of future prima-ballerinas.

孩子扎头发的小绒球被我不小心弄到吸尘器里了,机器卡死了。真要命。Bad move. I accidentally suck up one of the girl's hair bobbles and it gets stuck in the machine.

头项上带了一顶尖尖的不丑帽子,帽子顶上还有个金黄色的小绒球。On his head was perched the pointiest clown hat anyone had ever crowned by a feathery orange ball.

随着红色慢慢混入各种各样新的颜色,我慢慢明白这场表演想要表达的不仅仅是搞笑的毛绒球。As the new colors mingled with the red, I realized the performance means meant more than funny pom-poms.

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开场的几套造型充满了各种装饰绒球,比你在最喧闹的旅游纪念品市场上能看到的都多。The opening looks contained more pom-poms than you'd find at even the most bustling tourist souvenir market.

绒球,丝球一簇或一团毛、羽毛或其它材料,尤用于鞋、帽和窗帘等的装饰物。A tuft or ball of wool, feathers, or other material used as a decoration, especially on shoes, caps, and curtains.

它身穿白棉袄,远远望去好像白色的绒球,它的尾巴很小很小,藏在后面。It wears a white cotton-padded jacket, which looked from a distance like white pompon, its tail is tiny, hidden in the back.

羊毛帽,圆柱形制式,可以折成两成厚,在一头缝上装饰性的绒球。Woolen headgear made from a cylindrical piece that is folded over for double thickness, sewn at one end and decorated with a pompom.

由纤维和其它粘染物形成的小绒球依靠纤维的联接粘附在织物表面的现象称为起球现象。Pilling is the formation of small balls of fiber and other contaminants, called pills, which are held to the surface of cloth by anchoring fibers.

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身穿白色和银色的芭蕾舞裙,手持彩色绒球的小女孩们代表了北部最值得骄傲的发明之一维尼龙——一种石灰岩质地的织品。The young girls in white-and-silver tutus with pompoms symbolised vinalon, the limestone-derived fabric that is one of the North's proudest inventions.

而马克思所居住的纽约则显得阴郁得多,只有黑白灰三种颜色,直到玛丽给马克思寄来一个明红色的小绒球,马克思将它戴在自己的圆顶小帽上,才给画面带来一抹亮色。Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke.

创造代表农场生活的艺术品和工艺品可谓是这种家庭学校个体学习中最有趣的一部分.用红色建筑纸和纸板箱建一座谷仓.小鸡可以用白色绒球和水管清洁器做出来.农家设计的工艺品如简单的九点棉被,谷秆块,花园工具做得花冠都是些灵巧的活儿.用机械化建筑块设施可以建造一个拖拉机模型.Creating arts and crafts that stand for life on the farm can be a amusing part of this homeschoo unit study. Build a barn with red construction paper and a cardboard box.