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用有性杂交的菠萝种子为材科,使用组织培养的手段诱导愈伤组织并进行分化培养。Seeds of hybrid pineapple were cultured in vitro to induce callus and then differentiated.

采用有性杂交的手段是培育优质谷子品种最有成效的育种方法之一。Sexual hybridization is the most effective breeding method for cultivating the high-quality millet varieties.

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常规有性杂交很难获得油菜与芸芥的属间杂种。It is difficult to obtain the intergeneric hybrid between Brassica napus and Eruca sativa through the routine crossing.

利用体细胞杂交技术,可以克服传统的有性杂交遇到的诸多育种障碍,加速。Somatic hybridization technique can overcome some difficulties in traditional breeding and shorten breeding period in tobacco.

本研究结果表明,三倍体在柑橘的有性杂交育种中可用作母本进行新种质的创造。These results revealed that triploid plants could be used as maternal parents in sexual crossing to create novel citrus germplasm.

上述结果表明恶疫霉有性杂交后代在土壤中有较强的存活能力和腐生定殖能力。All the results indicate that hybrids of Phytophthora cactorum are of strong ability to survive and colonize in saprophytism in soil.

葡萄三倍体育种主要途径是二倍体与四倍体之间的有性杂交、胚乳和花药培养等。The way of breeding of triploid grapes mainly includes crossing between diploid and tetraploid cultivars, endosperm and anther culture.

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玉米大斑病菌为异宗配合真菌,有性杂交可增强病菌的致病性或形成新的致病小种,扩大病菌的寄主范围。The fungus can enhance its pathogenicity, increase its pathogenic host range and generate new physiological races through sexual hybridization.

近百年来,国内外主要依靠传统育种方法,即常规的有性杂交育种,使小麦的产量潜力和品质得到不断提高。Great achievements have been made in both yield and quality improvement by the traditional breeding method, i. e. , crossing, since last century.

水稻新品种九稻59号是由吉林市农业科学院水稻所通过品种间有性杂交,经系谱法选育而成的高产、抗病、晚熟水稻新品种。New Rice Variety Jiudao59 was selected through sexual hybridization using pedigree technique by Rice Institute, Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Jilin city.

尽管稻瘟病菌的有性杂交在自然界的某些地区有可能存在,但对病害的致病性变异影响不大。The perfect stage of rice blast fungus may exist naturally in certain areas, but it does not seem to be very important to the pathogenicity variation of the Pathogen.

更为重要的是山西省高粱育种专家通过有性杂交进行品种改良,培育出了株高适中、适应性强、产量高的杂交种。More importantly, some breeding expert had carried on the improvement of varieties through the sexual hybridization, cultivated moderate height and high output hybrid.

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用脱毒苗作有性杂交亲本比对照结实率略高,植株开花性状、实生后代表现无明显差异。Virus-free parents have a slightly higher seed setting percentage, but the flowering ability and the performance of off-springs were similar to that of the check plants.

本文包括两部分,即甘薯开花生物学和有性杂交技术的研究及几个杂交系的三年试验结果。This paper includes two parts, namely the study of flowering biology and crossing technique in sweet potato, and the 3-year experimental results of several hybrid lines, 2.

潍花6号是潍坊市农科院以79266做母本,鲁花11号为父本进行有性杂交,系统选育而成。Weihua No. 6 is a new peanut variety which was bred systematically between 79266 as female parent and Luhua No. 11 as male parent by Weifang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

小麦新品种沧麦6002是以临汾6154为母本、冀麦32为父本,通过有性杂交,经平行交替法选育而成。The wheat variety Cangmai 6002 was bred by means of sexual hybridization and parallel, alternative election of two seed plots, using Linfen 6154 as female and Jimai 32 as male.

传统的有性杂交手段和生物技术相结合是克服种间生殖障碍,提高非AA组野生稻有利基因育种利用效率的可行途径。Combining traditional crossing method with biotechniques is a reliable way to overcome the reproductive barriers and to improve the utilizing efficiency of non-AA genome wild rice.

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通过人工有性杂交、单株选择、系统选择、区试鉴定,育成早生中熟桑树新品种农桑12号、农桑14号。The early sprouting and mid maturing new mulberry varieties Nongsang 12 and Nongsang 14 were bred through hybridization, single plant selection, pedigree selection and regional test.

果树多倍体育种是利用对自然变异、人工诱变、有性杂交培育、胚乳培养和原生质体融合培育获得多倍体。The ways of polyploid breeding of fruit crops mainly include in the selection on natural variation , artificial mutation, sexual hybridization, endosperm culture, and protoplast fusion.