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我也已经压缩了我一些先入为主的想法。I've already squashed a few of my pre-conceived notions.

他们没有先入为主的期望,那将混淆他们的判断。They don’t have predetermined expectations fogging theirjudgment.

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这种固有观念造成的先入为主的偏差,在市场销售方面将具有同等的危险性。This perception bias can be just as dangerous in the marketplace.

你永远无法摆脱对于事物的先入为主的概念。that you can't get away from preliminary conceptions about things.

似乎明显地表示他拒绝先入为主,有偏见及死脑筋的念头。It seemed evidently that he refuses preconceptions, prejudice, and fixed ideas.

消费者对PC制造商可能也有产品笨重、不够炫等先入为主的看法.PC makers might also be saddled with perceptions of being stodgy and less than cool.

修道就是先改变自己,而且不要先入为主。To cultivate Dao you need to change yourself first and not to make any prejudgments.

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所谓的选择,很多时候,都是被我们先入为主的担心所左右着。The so-called choice is indeed hindered from being made timely by our unnecessary worries.

庄子则要我们也须注意心本身,不要有先入为主之见。Chuang Tzu taught us a similar lesson that we must guard our hearts. Don't have preemptive view.

更进一步地,这些词汇并没有任何关于如何达到目标的先入为主的观念。Furthermore, these words do not carry any preconceived notions of how to achieve these objectives.

这个过程的一部分是让过去的苦痛、旧心态和先入为主的观念离开。Part of this process is allowing those past pains, those old mindsets and preconceived notions go.

你必须精心打扮,因为,在这个时代,我们必须去面对它,这会给人先入为主的印象。You should be well groomed because, let’s face it, in this day and age, it’s practically mandatory.

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要知道当我们来到的时候,我们将最大限度的考虑你们的意见和先入为主的概念。Know that when we come, we will act with the utmost in diplomacy for your feelings and preconceptions.

当我沿着26英里的赛道一路奔跑时,多少先入为主的偏见即将土崩瓦解。I thought about how many preconceived prejudices would crumble when I trotted right along for 26 miles.

我们先入为主的观念会阻止我们去尝试很多东西,哪怕会给我们的生活带来财富和喜悦。Our preconceived notions can prevent us from trying things that could add richness and joy to our lives.

我则放弃了大多数讲座,宁愿在见到野生动物和冰山奇迹前不要有太多先入为主的观念。I skipped most of them, preferring not to have too much preparation for the wildlife and wonders of the ice.

而巴尔扎克,讲回巴尔扎克,他使巴黎人对乡下产生先入为主的印象,这种印象一直保持到现在And Balzac, to go back to Balzac, he put it the way Parisians view the provinces, and this is still the case.

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在田野工作中,研究者的视角很容易被先入为主的偏见所影响。In the field job the visual angle of researcher is easy to be affected by the prejudice with first impression.

毫无疑问,当诸如此类的事情发生时,哪怕消费者本来会需要很多,但警惕原则会先入为主。“Consumers, doubtless, when they hear about something like this, the cautionary principle kicks in, ” he said.

然而,危害已经造成了,由于先入为主形成的习惯,瀑布模型思想已经根深蒂固、积习难改。However, the damage was done, and a strong mindset with a bias toward Waterfall development had become ingrained.