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然后小红母鸡就自己一手包办所有事。Then the little red hen had to do everything herself.

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该饮料都是由媚姨一手包办以及采用新鲜的桔仔及沙梨,完全不加防腐剂。All kind of these drinks are made by Mdm Chiam and completely without preservatives.

以往,公司就能一手包办定下工作所需软硬件的功能。Previously, companies dictated what software and hardware were used for work purposes.

好多回忆因一句话而结束,破坏了一个家族,似我一手包办。I am a lot of to recall to end because of a words, Broke a household, I do all by oneself.

地点场所、食物音乐全都一手包办,不光她自己,每个人都会期待她的夏日婚礼的。"We have a venue, food and music so far, " she tells PEOPLE of her upcoming summer nuptials.

当孩子们长大了,她仍然一手包办日常家务、买菜和做饭。When the children grew up, she still kept active in housework, shopping and cooking every day.

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新加了一张图画,于网志的正上方位置,设计和制作由家兄一手包办,在此谢过。Added a nice banner across the blog, designed and created by my brother, special thanks to him.

日羊雨品是由一个香港出世加拿大长大的小女孩一手包办创作的小曲调。Sun Lamb Rain Goods is the small musical creation of a HK born and Canadian raised little girl.

申请人“被个性化”的论文、推荐信以及伪造的实习经历都由别人一手包办。The applicant's "personalized" admissions essay, letters of reference, and phoneyed internships are all taken care of.

婚礼筹备由羽平一手包办,可中和杨朵当然回来参与。Wedding preparation formed by the fusion of flat, can counteract managed manually Yang flower of course back to participate.

人工处理工作时,「一手包办」的方式通常比较佔优势,因为成本和错误发生的机会都比较低。When the work is managed manually, once and done is generally superior, because there is less overhead and chance for error.

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在印度,大多数婚姻都是由父母一手包办。新郎新娘还没好好处对象就结婚的现象比比皆是。Most marriages in India are arranged by the families, and it is common for a bride and groom to get married without spending time in each other's company.

由于比较熟悉病情的传播途径,除了不能母乳喂养外,孩子的日常生活几乎由田菲一手包办。As the more familiar route of transmission of the disease, in addition to not breast-feeding, the child's daily life is almost single-handedly by Tian Philippines.

黄钰然一手包办本书的写作和绘图,她是个说故事高手,读到这本故事书的人,都会忘记在十二月里打开信箱哟!Zoe Huang, who both wrote and drew this book, has a knack for storytelling. Once you have read this book, you will never open your mailbox in December without thinking of it.

“东田造型”工作室一手包办了无数明星的包装、闻名国际品牌时装秀的造型设计。"East cropland modelling " atelier keep everything in one's own hands of countless star pack, the modelling design of show of fashionable dress of famous international brand.

力宏不仅谱写大部份歌曲的创作,这位现年24岁的大众情人更一手包办了所有歌曲的制作、编曲以及后制。He not only has written and composed most of the songs, but also the 24-year-old heart-throb has single-handedly produced, arranged and co-ordinated all of the songs on the album.

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力宏不仅谱写大部份歌曲的创作,这位现年24岁的大众情人更一手包办了所有歌曲的制作、曲以及后制。He not only has written and composed most of the songs, but also the24- year-old heart-throb has single-handedly produced, arranged and co-ordinated all of the songs on the album.

她嫁了一个不错的丈夫,不让她做家事,全部都由先生一手包办,煮饭、洗衣、扫地、带孩子,而且每天早上还端早点到床上给她吃呢!She married a good husband who doesn't allow her to do the housework, and handle everything all alone. The housework include cooking, washing , cleaning and looking after the children.

利物浦球探帕克-德-加西亚给贝尼特斯推荐这名球员,正如帕切科从巴塞罗那转会到利物浦也是这名球探一手包办的。Reds scout Paco de Garcia recommended the youngster to Rafael Benitez as they look to pull off a similar transfer to that which saw Daniel Pacheco make the move from Barcelona to Liverpool.