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驴感到很得意,他高声地嘶叫,却被人认了出来。The ass felt quite proud.

我听见有马的嘶叫声。I've heard some horses nickering.

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马儿嘶叫,嘶嘶嘶嘶。The horse goes neigh, neigh neigh.

这头驴嘶叫着试图脱缰而逃。The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.

我只是沉下目光,冲他们嘶叫回去。I’d just harden my eyes and hiss back.

马儿被美国人宰杀时的嘶叫of their ponies killed by the Americans

这匹母马见到主人时会嘶叫。The mare whined when she saw her master.

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驴子向你嘶叫,你可别也向他嘶叫。If a donkey brays at you, don't bray at him.

黑骏马大声嘶叫起来,那是一种充满恐惧的叫喊。The black horse screamed loudly, a cry of fear.

接着,他安静下来,还快乐地放声嘶叫。Then he quieted down and let out some happy brays.

嘶鸣,如马嘶叫,尤其以柔和的音调发出。To neigh, as a horse, especially in a gentle tone.

他的马悲哀地嘶叫着,马夫也回头望着楚国叹气。His horse neighed and his groom looked back at Ch'u.

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克拉丽斯,羔羊停止嘶叫了吗?——汉尼拔。Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming? —Hannibal.

第一个人进了帐篷,马没有嘶叫。The first man entered the tent. The horse didn't neigh.

在还没有把星星摇下来之前,驴子也许会嘶叫一阵。An ass may bray a good while before he shakes the stars down.

一声马的嘶叫打破了牢房的沉寂。The sound of a horse whinnying broke the silence of the cell.

这一祖先嘶叫并捶击墙壁,而没有人前来。This ancestor screamed and pounded the walls, and no one came.

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我的儿子低下头。小猫嘶叫,受到惊吓,狂奔而去。My son bows his head. The kitten hisses , terrified, And flees.

我的皮肤被割开了,我痛苦的嘶叫着。I screamed in pain as the knife cut the surface layer of my skin.

火照得到的一圈外,一片漆黑,马嘶叫了几声。The horses nickered in the darkness beyond the fire's circle of light.