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开头脑风暴会议,集思广益。Have brainstorming sessions.

我们确实认为集思广益是个巨大的机会。We really think it is a huge opportunity to brainstorm.

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下面,我们开始更广泛的集思广益,旨在普及这个世界。Below, we begin a broader brainstorming aimed at universalizing this world.

如果我们集思广益,也许能讨论出一个切实可行的计划。If we lay our heads together, we can probably thresh out a workable scheme.

不过他们已经开始集思广益设计广告词了。Nevertheless, they are already brainstorming possible taglines for the ads.

“关于如何发展中国的进口的问题,可以说是集思广益”斯文森说。"There was a brainstorm on how China can grow their imports, " Swenson said.

因此,要解决这个问题,我一直在集思广益关于如何增加更多种类的一些方法。So to solve that, I’ve been brainstorming up some ways on how to add more variety.

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我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for a new product.

这是一个集思广益,交流心得,以及团队合作的好时机。This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus.

“这是集思广益和跟踪关系的一部分”,安纳曼先生说。“It is part of gathering human intelligence and tracking relationships, ” Mr. Anaman says.

我们开始时,是让全公司的工程师们每隔几周会面,一起集思广益。We started with engineers from all over the company meeting every couple of weeks to brainstorm.

这种意识正在全球迅速蔓延,吸引思想领袖聚首一堂,集思广益。This awareness is spreading and has attracted thought-leaders and practitioners working together.

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在我们所处的时代,我们知道我们需人尽其才,集思广益。In the times that we face, we know we don’t have a person to waste, we don’t have an idea to overlook.

权力可以让你“正确”,但配合让每个人都准确——也让大家集思广益。Authority can make you "right, " but collaboration makes everyone right--and makes everyone pull together.

在太阳系仪是一种剥离项目,并为时钟集思广益的结果,并于2005年完成。The orrery is a spin-off project and the result of brainstorming for the clock, and was completed in 2005.

把头放在一起!引伸出来就是集思广益。就象中文里说的,三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮。Jessica Exactly! Brainstorm basically means to put your heads together in order to come up with good ideas.

正如其它许多城市卫生问题一样,卫生部门可以集思广益,推动收集数据,并带头反映问题。As for many other urban health issues, the health sector can drive the thinking, drive the data, drive the concern.

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俗。话说“英雄所见略同”,试想我们。全球所有员工携手同心、集思广益,那么我们将会从容应对消费电子行业的任何挑战。Th. ey say great minds think alike. So imagine the power of all empl. oyees around the world all thinking together.

考虑到Hunch结合了维基百科集思广益的特征和一个问答网站的情况,Wales加入董事会是个明智之举。Wales joining the board makes sense considering that Hunch combines the crowd-sourced nature of Wikipedia with a Q&A site.

为了成功需要集思广益,这样你可采取一系列可靠的行动方案来使自己与成功的距离更接近。Brainstorm a bunch of ideas for getting there, a bunch of actions you can take to move yourself closer to your destination.