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远景还是幻想?Future or Fantasy?

和铁塔来张远景合照吧。Far view with tower.

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这是我们的项目远景。That is our vision for XIV.

远景,热情,是我们的使命。Vission and Passion Is OurMission.

从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。The hill commands a fine distant view.

这家企业的远景极其美好。The enterprise has excellent prospects.

贪婪从来不会让人看到远景。Covetousness can never see the big picture.

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三塘湖盆地是一个有含油气远景的盆地。Santanghu Basin is of oil and gas prospect.

最后对勘探远景作出评价。Exploration prospectives is evaluated at last.

他们关注远景、品牌和目标引见。They focus on vision, branding, and target audience.

迪拜地产公司委托美国TVs事务所设计“远景大厦”,这座51层的办公大楼将矗立在商业湾地区。a 51 story office building in the business bay district.

亨利福特为汽车设想了光明的远景。Henry ford envisaged an important future for the motorcar.

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现在,还有远景、阴影和碰撞还没有调整。Now, we should tuned the chassis_vlo, Collision and Shadow.

这个远景预案项目旨在于通过以下方式避免危机进一步恶化The scenario-building project aims to avoid a worse crisis by

这一发明为生物学家展现了新的研讨远景。This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists.

你赚钱的长期远景其实非常好。Your long-term outlook for earning money is actually excellent.

梦,为一种朦胧的远景,仿佛在那里,但一时又抓不到。Dream, as a hazy vision, as if there, but the moment they grasp.

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在此基础上提出了明确的找煤远景区。On this basis the paper proposes prospects for searching for coal.

还要保证的是演员在远景里用右手拿笔,and that they're holding the pen in the right hand in a wide shot,

它在最细微的地方下功夫,而展开了最宽广的远景。It works in the minutest crannies and it opens out the widest vistas.