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现在我们再来添加一些喷溅。Now we add the splashes again.

阀门定期从排气口喷溅。A. Valve spits periodically from the vent.

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水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中。Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

水壶把开水喷溅了一火炉。The kettle spat boiling water over the stove.

现在,将喷溅图片拖入我们工作的窗口。Now copy the splash into the window we work in.

好的,向后靠,因为你在喷溅区中。Well, lean back 'cause you're in the splashing zone.

置入一张新的喷溅图片,或者复制之前的那一张。Bring in new ones or just duplicate the one from before.

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之后,复制并粘贴喷溅图片到主合成中。After that, copy and paste the spatter in your main file.

注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。Be aware that the infant will cough, sputter, and choke during feedings.

他脾气火暴,容易激动,就像一瓶喷溅的汽水。He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.

在日本开车,路面积水喷溅到行人会被罚。In Japan, the driver will be fined if the water splashed to the pedestrians.

这道墙的构造是从悬浮着的小管子里喷溅出一片片的水。The walls of the structure are sheets of water sprayed from suspended pipes.

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然后给喷溅笔刷层添加一个涂层蒙板样就可以隐藏其他的多余部分。Then, add a Layer Mask to the splatters layer to hide any excess spray paint.

现在我们再来添加一些喷溅。置入一张新的喷溅图片,或者复制之前的那一张。Now we add the splashes again. Bring in new ones or just duplicate the one from before.

这种阀门只能应用在水的喷溅不会造成破坏的地方。This valve should only be used in areas where spillage of water could not cause damage.

而对于改良玉米,他说,只要在玉米钻孔虫大量出现时喷溅一次就行了。With BT maize, he says, he might spray once if maize borers are present in large numbers.

重质油罐燃烧易发生油品的沸溢喷溅灾难性现象。The catastrophic phenomenon of boilover takes place easily in tank fires of the heavy oils.

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使用蒙版来修正喷溅,以使其与模特的靴子相协调。I never use the eraser, only the mask. Use the mask to fix with the splash so it fits the boot.

它由机架和开启式防喷溅的箱体组成,并装有滚动支撑托架。It is rack-and-splash open the cabinet composition, and equipped with rolling support brackets.

我们完成了这个设计,3d风格,污渍喷溅和材质的细节。There we have the finished design, complete with 3D type, grungy splatters and detailed textures.