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烟稞长得好,中耕不等闲。The smoke he grow well, and not easily.

村民正给高地里的玉米中耕。The villagers are laying by the corn in the upland fileld.

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中耕机每天工作14小时,给玉米作最后一次中耕。The cultivator worked fourteen hours a day, laying by the corn.

每次追肥应在中耕后进行。Top dressing should be carried out after intertillage at a time.

耕地机具。旋转式中耕机用铲。安装尺寸。Equipment for working the soil. rotary cultivator blades. fixing dimensions.

要做心地农夫,自我耕心田,也在人人心中耕福田。Be a spiritual farmer who cultivates fields of blessings for oneself and others.

称为灌水垄沟的小沟用于不中耕的粮食作物和饲料作物。Small furrows known as corrugations are used for uncultivated grain and forage crops.

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草坪中耕影响球场草坪质量的综合评价。The cultivation of turf influence synthetical assessment of golf course turf quality. 2.

中耕除草、深翻轮休等传统耕作制度,常常造成严重的水土流失。The conventional tillage system, such as harrowing, weeding by dig-ging and tillage rotation, etc.

第三种耕作制度也是小麦休耕轮作,但应用锄铲松土法,并用杆式中耕除草机控制杂草。The third system is also wheat-fallow, but it uses sweep tillage and a rod-weeder to control weeds.

本文从整地、播种、施肥、灌水、中耕除草、病虫病防治、茎叶刈割和采挖等方面总结了甘草机械化栽培技术。In this thesis, The mechanically sowing technology on rape cultivation was studied, and variable-drop sower was creatively designed.

战前不受人重视的摘棉机、中耕机得到了改进,农场的工作机械化了。Cotton-picking and weeding machines, which had received little attention before the war, were improved and the farm work was mechanized.

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它特别适用于免中耕等不便追肥的农业新耕法。The utility model is especially suitable for a cultivation-free novel agricultural plowing method, etc. with inconvenience in top-dressing.

秸秆覆盖、中耕锄划、调控表层土壤根系分布等可作为减少土壤蒸发的有效措施。Straw mulching, cultivating and hoeing , regulating the root distribution in the topsoil are effective measures to reduce the soil evaporation.

农林机械。带悬挂式旋耕机旋转中耕锄及带驱动轮的旋转中耕锄的可在侧面步行操纵的拖拉机。安全性。Agricultural and forestry machinery. pedestrian controlled tractors with mounted rotary cultivators, motors hoes, motor hoes with drive whel. safety.

本文从一年养护管理工作的划分、浇水、施肥、整形修剪、病虫害防治、中耕除草、防寒等多方面进行了论述。This article discussed the division of conservation management, watering, fertilizing, pruning, pest control, cultivation, weed, anti-cold and other aspects.

移栽后应及时中耕培土促进根系发育,结合培土壅蔸,中耕松土,促进转化。Should promptly after transplanting cultivation and banking to promote root development, combined with the Earth up backwater root, intertillage loose Earth, promote transformation.

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再次,研究包世臣在种植业方面精耕细作的技术思想,包括多熟种植、土壤耕作、中耕管理、合理施肥技术思想等。Taking planting as a main point, it studies Bao thought of intensive farming, such as multi-crop a year, soil tillage, mid-cultivation management and reasonable application of manure, etc.

通过中耕深松技术的田间作业实验,验证了中耕深松技术的蓄水保墒作用,指出中耕深技术应在阜新地区推广应用。This article dissertate that the effect of sluice which is represented by subsoiling in the area of agriculture production, and showing that the subsoiling can be popularized in Fuxin area.

通过田间试验,研究了揭膜中耕、栽植方式和烯效唑喷施等措施对香料烟生长和产、质量的影响。Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of plastic film un-covering and intertill, mode of plantation and uniconazole spray on the growth, yield and quality of oriental tobaccos.