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既然如此,谷歌何乐而不为呢?So why shouldn't Google have access too?

这样不仅锻炼了身体而且节约了钱财,何乐而不为!You will not only get some exercise, but save some money too!

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我很尴尬,举手之劳,何乐而不为呢?I was so embarrassed, lift a finger, what is there against it?

如果你不用启动电脑就能做到这些,何乐而不为呢?If you can do all that without booting up a computer, why bother?

“玩动”无成本,但孩子不廉价——我二者兼得,经济且健康,何乐而不为?No cost. OK, kids aren’t cheap — but I have them anyway, so why not use them?

本来我没想参赛,可有人让我去还说赞助金将捐给慈善机构,既然这样,何乐而不为呢?I hadn't thought of doing it before but someone asked me and the money goes to charity so why not?

若一路坎坷,死既来之,将这不幸带走又何乐而不为?If we have not lived well, then it is good that death comes and puts an end to the miserable life.

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这样的‘假离婚’将给二套房买主省下很多钱,所以何乐而不为呢?Such a 'fake' divorce may save the second-home buyer hundreds of thousands of yuan, so why not do it?

带饭会浪费更多的时间,如果吃食堂的话,就可以省去这些时间去学习,提高成绩,何乐而不为?With rice will waste more time, if the canteen to eat, it eliminated the time to learn and improve performance, why?

如果看电视让你平淡的家务活中有乐趣,或者让你坚持你的兴趣爱好,那何乐而不为呢?If it makes a mundane chore a bit more interesting, or helps you stick with your hobbies, then what’s wrong with that?

如果能通过限工业用电改掉那些浪费国家资源的坏毛病,何乐而不为呢?If you can limit electricity industry get rid of the waste of national resources of bad habit, what is there against it?

奉献,是一个多么另人怡心的字眼,“予人玫瑰,手留余香”,奉献,会使两个人感到快乐,何乐而不为呢?Dedication, how the other person is a heart Yue words, "to be roses, left hand", dedication, will make two people happy, why not do it?

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简洁明了的色彩使人如沐春风。午后,坐在柔软的大床上,削一个青苹果满足自己的口腹,何乐而不为。Concise and lively colors bring you vigor and a good mood. The taste of green apples goes well with a lazy afternoon in the big, cozy bed.

因此从个人利益出发,临终皈依不仅提供某种精神安慰,同时自己分毫不损,就好象参加一场无本之赌,何乐而不为呢?So we consider it for oneself, convert before die not only provides some comfort but won't hurt self, which is like to join to a bet no capital.

他想,风车这玩意儿好玩儿,能带来快乐,有可以挣得点生活费用,何乐而不为呢?Jun Liang's opinion is that the pinwheel is such a fun toy that can bring people joy, and at the same time, he can be rewarded for making pinwheels.

Chaffee先生说,既然Twitter已经成为提供消费信息的最佳场所之一,那使得人们可以从网站上就购买到东西,这何乐而不为呢?Since Twitter is already becoming one of the best shopping resources, Mr. Chaffee said, why not enable people to make purchases from the site as well?

在展示自己的同时,可以锻炼自己的英语和胆量,还可以得到非常精美的礼品,留下一段美好的回忆,这样一举三得的美差,何乐而不为?Besides showing yourself, you can also improve your Oral English and courage, receive a very nice present as your sweet memory, isn't it very attractive to you?

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这就是你的不对,大家都是兄弟,住在一个房间里,你把它拾起来有没有什么损失,反而沟通了感情、融洽了气氛,何乐而不为呢?That is your right, we are all brothers, living in a room, you have to have it picked up any losses, instead of communicating the feelings of a harmonious atmosphere, why not do it?

表单是网站的一个重要部分,但制作表单很耗时间,那么,既然有个免费的网站能加快你的表单开发进度,何乐而不为?Web forms are one of the most important part of a website, but creating them is also very time-consuming. So, what about using a website that can speed up your form development for free?

人们会在闲暇之余,约上好友或者家人坐在一起聊聊家常,玩一圈麻将,既放松了终日的疲劳,又增进了家人和朋友彼此间的感情,何乐而不为呢!In leisure is in people, about a small talk to friends or family sit together, play mahjong, both relaxed day fatigue, and enhance the relationship between family and friends, why not do it!