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带电的电线叫火线。A wire charged with electricity is called a live wire.

美式电插头有两个火线插脚,一个地线插脚。US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground.

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而USB3.0规范也将在技术规格上超越火线800。These would also typically overwhelm FireWire 800 connections.

零、火线双断开关设计,配有电源指示灯。It is provided with L and N double-break switch and power indicator lamp.

那是一个挨千刀的英国军官——钢盔都没戴就站在火线中间。British officer—standing up in the middle of firefight the without a helmet.

他虽然身负重伤,但坚决不下火线。Although he was seriously wounded, he flatly refused to quit the battle line.

要瞄准他们前面的一个点,让他们往你用漆弹织出的那条火线跑去。Shoot at one point in front of them, and make them run through a wall of paint.

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一百年今后的今天,在上班时,我们有装配流火线、传实机、电脑。Today, our workplace are equipped with assembly lines, fax machines, computers.

伴随著我已三年多的诺基亚6230,终于要退下火线。It's time for him to retire. He, Nokia 6230, accompanied me for more than 3 years.

野外大火在加州大牧场形成半里火线。A wild fire jump contained line in California came out with a half mile upon ranches.

孩子们,人生就象一条暗中的路线。你很久也不会知道火线会产生什么。Kids! life is a dark rooffer. You never renumber one nosly know wheverynos up to come.

在玩穿越火线时练枪法是从什么开始?When playing across the line of fire marksmanship training from the beginning of what?

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虽然,他承认他也希望在长期缺席名单中的罗宾·范佩西能够火线归来。Although, he admits he would like to see long-term absentee Robin van Persie back in action.

那是一个挨千刀的英国军官——钢盔都没戴就站在火线中间。It was a goddam British officer—standing up in the middle of firefight the without a helmet.

这位29岁的后卫星期天在河畔球场踢平2比2的比赛中在第70分钟被迫退不火线。The 29-year-old defender was forced off after 70 minutes of Sunday's 2-2 draw at the Riverside.

比火线或USB要快,基本用于外部硬盘的快速数据转移。Faster than USB or FireWire, it's basically for external hard drives for quicker data transfers.

零、火线双断开关设计,配有电源指示灯及特别的固定装置。It is provided with L and N double-break switch, supply indicator lamp and special snap-on devise.

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小分队成员敏捷与火线官兵融为一体,全力为其效劳,博得了官兵们的尊敬。Team members with the officers and agile together, to help you, for its won the respect of soldiers.

主要干扰源是火花塞、压点火线帽和高压点火线。The main interference source is spark plug, high-voltage ignition coil cap and the high-voltage coil.

主要干扰源是火花塞、高压点火线帽和高压点火线。The main interference source is spark plug, high-voltage ignition coil cap and the high-voltage coil.