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骆驼乡长双角,结果失去了双耳。Cmel going to seek horns lost his ears.

桂花乡席乡长的事情倒是可以借鉴的。Osmanthus rural seats mayor thing would be to draw lessons from.

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陈响离开桂花乡之后,调去了一位姓席的乡长。Chen Xiang left the rural osmanthus, transferred to a surname seat officer.

首任官派乡长陈曲江,将其姓名强加于都兰。The first camp, putting Qujiang mayor Chen, whose names are imposed on Portland.

啊呀,乡里布置得老隆重啊,乡长、书记都在那儿排队等你呢。Local government officials all lining up, too, to pay their pious respects to you.

我为了这张海报啊,我还特别向乡长借了天骐身份证上面的照片去扫描放大。I borrowed the photo from identity card especially and scan to expand it for this poster.

席乡长共收到十多万元现金,还有不少的衣物,并且,他还上了电视台。Mat officer received a total of about one hundred thousand yuan in cash, there are a lot of clothes, and, he also a television.

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乡长先生,也许耶稣正要我去当那一群狼的牧人呢,谁知道主宰的旨意?Monsieur le maire, it may be that it is of this very flock of wolves that Jesus has constituted me the shepherd. Who knows the ways of Providence?

地方各级人民政府实行省长、市长、县长、区长、乡长、镇长负责制。Governors, mayors and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns assume overall responsibility for local people’s governments at various levels.

几千人亲眼看到,两个儿童在乡妇联主任的引导下,跪在席乡长夫妇面前,给他们磕头,喊席乡长夫妇“爸爸妈妈”。Thousands of people see, two children in the rural women's director of guidance, kneeling on the seat officer couples face, give them kowtow, called mat officer couples" Mom and dad".